Episode 9: Chivalry, Manhattan Style. (Pt. 2)

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When we enter the apartment, I find my dad perched on the sofa with a sullen look on his face.

"Dad, I'm so sorry about last night. Um..."

Dad: "You must be Izaac."

My dad turns to face him.


(How does my dad know his name?)

Dad: "I'm sorry for all the trouble my daughter caused you last night."

Izaac: "Don't worry about it."

My eyes shift from one to the other as they speak.

"Um, dad..."

Dad: "I called your phone last night, and Izaac picked it up."

"He did?"

I guess that explains why there was only one call from my dad.

(Oh no, what did he say?!)

Dad: "How are you feeling [Y/N]? Do you still feel seasick?"

"What do you-"

Izaac gives me a funny look when I looked at him.

Izaac: "She looked pretty bad yesterday. She couldn't even stand on her own."

"Oh, um... Yeah."

I guess Izaac told my dad I got seasick yesterday.

Izaac: "The water was a little rough, and she looked a little tired. So after she had taken some medicine, we had her lie down in one of the bedrooms to rest. That was about the time you called."

Dad: "I see."

Izaac: "I thought it would be a shame to wake her, so I answered the phone instead."

Dad: "I must admit I was pretty mad when you answered."

Izaac: "You were. I feel like I still can hear you shouting 'Who the hell are you? What happened to my daughter?!"


Izaac: "I was afraid that if I didn't come here and explain the situation, you'd call the police or something like that."

Dad: "I'm sorry about that."

Dad apologizes with a bitter smile.

Dad: "I'm just thankful that you took care of her."

Izaac: "It wasn't just me. She had other friends there, too. Everyone's just glad she's better now."

Dad: "Well then, I'm glad to know you have such good friends [Y/N]."


Izaac sounds polite and reserved, it's completely different to how he usually acts. Maybe it's just his good manners and his agreeable nature, but my dad seems to buy the whole story with no reservations.

Dad: "By the way, did you eat breakfast?"

"Not yet."

Dad: "How about I make some pancakes, then. Would you like to join us, Izaac?"

Izaac: "That's okay, I usually only drink coffee in the morning."

Dad: "I see. Well then, how about I pour you a cup of coffee? I insist."

Izaac: "Alright. How could I say no?"

My dad finally makes his way over to the kitchen. I let out a deep breath in relief and turn to Izaac.

"That was some performance."

Izaac: "That was nothing.If you can't even put on an act like that, there's no way you can survive the Upper East Side."

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