Episode 10: Can't Argue the Facts (Pt. 1)

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It's December. A cheerful Christmas mood has taken over all of Manhattan. A Christmas tree that almost reaches the ceiling appears in our living room. Serena, who came over to hang out, look at it in wonder.

Serena: "I love your Christmas tree! It's huge!"

Dad: "Isn't it? I bought the biggest one in the store."

My dad cheerfully replies as he decorates it.

"Don't you think you're overdoing it, Dad? I thought you were agnostic."

Dad: "No need to sweat the finer details. It's the first time in a while we've been able to celebrate Christmas together, and I really want us to enjoy it."

(Has it really been that long?)

The last time we celebrated Christmas together was when I was in elementary school. Dad, mom, and I decorated these together, and mom baked a bunch of holiday sweets. I start to feel sentimental.

Serena: "That's cool, I'm so jealous. Since we're living at the hotel, we can't put up a tree."


Serena: "It's hard to really get into the spirit without one."

Dad: "Why don't you help us decorate, then?"

Serena: "I'd love to!"

As my dad decorates, he starts belting out Christmas songs. Serena and I join in. Around the time we run out of songs, we're finished with decorating the tree.

We leave the house and go for a walk in Central Park.

"I'm sorry for making you help us out."

Serena: "Not at all, it was fun. But you won't be in Manhattan for Christmas, will you?"

"Yeah, I'm taking a trip to California with Emily and my dad. So, I told him we didn't need a tree. But my dad said he wanted to hit all the theme parks like we used to do."

Serena: "Theme parks, huh? He must still think you're a kid."

"I know. It's kind of annoying. He's so overbearing, it drives me insane."

Serena: "Really? I think it's adorable."

"You have no idea. He's even worse than Jenny's dad!"

I may have said something wrong, because Serena's expression suddenly becomes serious.

"What's wrong?"

Serena: "Nothing. I just had some shocking news this weekend. That's all."

"What news?"

Serena: "My mom and Dan's dad used to date a long time ago."


Serena: "My mom used to be a big fan of Rufus band."

"Who would've thought."

You'd never know from looking at Serena's mom that she used to be into rock music. It's even harder to imagine her as a band groupie.

"Wow. That's gotta be awkward for you and Dan."

Serena: "According to Dan's mom, she was the first girl his dad ever fell for."

"I see... Dan and his dad must fall for the same type."

Serena: "Hey, cut it out! But honestly, it was a pretty big shock. Thinking about our parents being together like that in the past... It's kind of gross!"

"You're right. Ew..."

Serena: "What if it was you? Like if your dad and Izaac's mom were lovers in the past."

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