Episode 10: Can't Argue the Facts (Pt. 2)

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On Saturday, Serena and I go to Lisa's concert.

Under the spotlight, she looks even more radiant than she did when I saw her at the party. Her performance was amazing, full of an intensity and power that you'd never expect from a girl so slender and petite.

Serena: "That was pretty good."

"How do you know? You were sleeping during most of it."

Serena: "Sorry, I couldn't help it. I haven't been sleeping well recently. But anyway, you need to go and do you thing before it's too late."

"What do you mean by my thing?"

Serena: "I thought the whole point of coming here was to check out the competition? Why don't you just go up and talk to her?"

"What? I can't do that!"

Serena: "Sure you can. Don't mention Izaac and just talk to her or find out what kind of person she is. C'mon, go on and talk to her."

(This is crazy! But, I'm curious...)

"Fine. I'll go to talk to her. But I have no idea what to say."

Serena: "Just congratulate her and make small talk, then maybe you can ask about her time in Europe or something like that?"

"That doesn't sound too convincing. I mean it would be weird if I just came and talk to her out of blue."

Serena: "Just go!"

Serena pulls me along to where Lisa is standing, talking to some people in the audience.

As I pass through the hallway, I see Lisa talking with a familiar woman.


Upon closer inspection, I notice she's none other than Izaac's stepmother, Samantha.

"What's Samantha doing here?"

Serena: "Who knows?"

Lisa, while trying to give Samantha a piece of paper, says,

Lisa: "I wanted to give this back to you."

Samantha: "Oh, no I couldn't."

Lisa: "Please..."

As she tries to slip Samantha the piece of paper, it falls from her and floats away, landing right on our feet. When I move to pick it up, Serena peers at it from beside me.

Serena: "This is..."

It's a check written out for a large sum.

Samantha: "Oh! Serena and [Y/N]..."

Serena: "Who should we give this back to?"

Serena takes the check from my hand and waves it. Lisa glances back at Samantha, and holds out her hand to Serena.

Lisa: "You can give it to me. Thanks."

Serena gives her an inquisitive glance.

Samantha: "I know this looks strange, but there's a perfectly good explanation."

Serena: "I see. So it would be totally cool if I told Izaac about it then, right?"

Samantha: "Serena..."

Lisa: "I borrowed some money from Izaac's father. I just wanted to return it, that's all."

Samantha: "He said it wasn't a loan, but a gift. Which is why I couldn't accept it, no matter how much you insist on repaying it."

Lisa: "I had planned on returned it after getting settled in Europe."


I know I shouldn't, but I can't help but ask,

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