Episode 12: Caught under the Spotlight (Pt. 1)

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Now that Christams and the holidays are over, everything in New York is back to normal. My dad asked me to run a few errands for him, now I'm on my way to a drugstore nearby.

(Let's see... I'm supposed to get a toothbrush, shampoo, detergent...)

I hold the list in one hand while I add things into my basket.

(Is that...?)

I catch a glimpse of a familiar-looking blond girl over the next aisle.


She seems surprised to see me, and greets me back with a forced smile.

Serena: "Hi!"

When I glance over at what she's putting in her basket, it's my turn to be surprised. It's a pregnancy test. Upon closer inspection, I see she's got all kinds of them.

"Oh my god, Serena, you don't think you're..."

Serena: "No way! It's not what it looks like."

She quickly defends herself.

"But, um..."

Other shoppers are starting to steal glances at us.

Serena: "I can explain, but not here. Let's go somewhere else."

We check out, and go over to a coffee shop next door.

Serena: "This stuff isn't for me. It's for Blair."

"For Blair? No way!"

Serena: "Shhh!"

I said way louder than I intended.

Serena :"She told me she hasn't gotten her period yet. So I told her she should take a test just to be sure, but she didn't need one."

"But that's..."

Serena: "Yeah, she's always like this, pretending like nothing is wrong even when things are falling apart. She's convicted for some reason that she needs to be perfect."

Serena seems genuinely worried about Blair.

Serena: "But she can't just ignore something like this, so I'm going to find some way to convince her to take a test."

"I think you're doing the right thing."

Serena: "Thanks."

"If it turns out she is, that would mean the father is..."

Serena: "... Chuck. Which Blair doesn't want to have to admit."

"She doesn't?"

Serena: "Well, she and Nate are trying to get back together again. Since things with his father has calmed down a little, it seems like Nate's realized he had feelings for Blair after all."

"I see..."

During our conversation, a group of girls sat down at the table next to ours. We look over and see that it's Blair's little clique.

Girl 1: "Oh, hi! What are you two whispering about over there?"

Girl 2: "We want all the details!"

Serena: "Nothing, really. We were just debating who's the hottest guy at St. Jude's. Isn't that right?"


Serena: "Sorry, but we've got to run."

I follow her lead and stand up, and we both quickly exit the coffee shop.

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