Episode 11: Come Closer (Pt. 1)

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When we reach the Palace Hotel bar, a waiter shows us to the table, where the client is waiting.

Waiter: "Here's your table."

Izaac takes one look at it, and his face stiffens.

Izaac: "What are you doing here?"

The person waiting at the table is Lisa.

She looks up at Izaac, equally surprised.

Lisa: "I could ask you the same thing!"

Izaac: "I got a text from my father to meet someone here."

Lisa: "I got a text from Samantha saying that if I waited here, your father would come and meet me."

Izaac: "My father? What kind of business would you have with him?"

Lisa: "Well..."

She hesitates.

"It was me. I asked Samantha to do this."

Izaac: "What?"

Lisa: "Huh?"

Both of them look at me in surprise.

"I wanted the both of you meet. Samantha probably sent that text from your dad's address."

Izaac: "What's this about?"

"I didn't think it was right for you to go on not knowing the real reason why Lisa broke up with you."

Izaac: "The real reason?"

I face Lisa and speak.

"You said before that you wanted to give back the money not because you had any regrets, but because you wanted to set things straight, right?"

Lisa: "Yeah, but that has nothing to do with this."

"Look, if you really want to set things straight, you owe Izaac the truth, right?"

Lisa: "..."

She takes a deep breath and look at Izaac as she speaks.

Lisa: "Your father gave me money to break up with you."

Izaac stares at Lisa in surprise. I quietly step away from the two of them. Lisa notices and looks over at me. I give her an encouraging look before I walk away from the two of them.

I don't feel like going back home, so I walk over to Central Park. The same street musician I saw a few days ago is giving a violin performance at the square. I join the crowd watching, and just try to let myself enjoy the music.

(Oh my god... I can't believe what I just did.)

Remorse is killing me... In my mind, I can't stop replaying what Serena said to me at the concert hall.


Serena: "There are some things people are better off not knowing. Do yourself a favor and keep quiet. This could really hurt Izaac, you know?"

*flashback ends*

(Maybe I should've just listened to her...)

I don't know what to think anymore. Moments later, the crowd around me erupts into applause, snapping me out of my jumbled thoughts.

(I should go home.)

But when I turn to leave, I met with a sight that leaves me stupefied.


He's standing right in front of me.

"What happened? Where's Lisa?"

Izaac: "She's probably already at the airport by now."

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