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Klaus was looking out for Hayley, the only reason that girl alive is to know more about what Tyler said

He heard two people talk.

"What are you gonna do with Caroline?" The wolf girl ask.

"I will wait and do nothing she will come back to me eventually." It was Tyler now.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I mean she always does." He say with a smile on his face, make Klaus want to puke.

"Ok whatever, what about the... you know, did he call yet?" She said, make Klaus get closer to the door.

"He called and say we would take care of both of them and then he will come to finish the jod."

"Did he say when?"

"Yeah he and M..."

"What are you doing?" Klaus heard someone behind him, he was turn around to see a very confused Caroline."the door is not locked you can go inside." She say looking at the door.

Klaus smile. he didn't want to, now he doesn't know what Tyler and Hayley planning.

'Thank you love, how will I know that if you wouldn't tell me?" He say sarcalsticly.

She rolled her eyes. "Well your very welcome, now you didn't answer my question, what are you doing?"

"Right now I'm going to check on the Bennet witch and see when we going to get out of this place." He say, he didn't really mean to go, he want her to leave so he can go back to hear them.

"it doesn't seem like that, it seen like you was listening like a creep behind the door to those two."

Klaus smirk. "And how long do you watching me to get that?"

She rolled her eyes again and shook her head. "Whatever, I'm going to take a shower in the boy's shower."

"Do you want some company?"

She rolled her eyes in the third time.

"no I do not want you company so you can keep being being all creepy now." She went away.

Caroline went to the boy's shower and Klaus try to keep listen to Hayley and Tyler but when he came close to the door he heard steps coming to his way so he went back to the gym,bonnie finish the spell and they will be out around 6:00 am.

Tyler and Hayley enter to the gym, looking at Klaus who was sitting next to Rebekah who was on her phone checking on matt.

"I'm surprise you haven't kill them yet." Rebekah said after finishing the phone call.

"Yet." Klaus said,smirking to the couple who was still looking at him.

"What are you waiting for?"

"For the right time." He answered.

"I will be right back." Tyler said to Hayley and stood, she just nodded.

Tyler went to the shower and saw Caroline in a towel, looking at her self in the mirror, he came closer and she look at him.

"What do you want?"

"Only to apologize, I'm sorry Caroline, I was drunk and angry that you dance with Klaus and- "

"That has nothing to do with Klaus. I didn't even want to dance with him and you said it was fine."

"Why are defending him? He keep go after you and that piss me off is that wrong?"

"Its wrong when instead of talking with me you going and make out with another girl! And beside nothing going on between me and Klaus and I told you that all the time Tyler! But you going and make out with her instead of trusting me! " She was shouting now.

"Don't you dare raise you voice on me and talk to me like that." He came closer.

"You don't have the right to tell me what to do, I'm not your girlfriend and even if I was i will talk to you however i feel like." She now decide to low her voice.  "Tyler listen. Our relationship was over a long time ago. It just not the same and it's nobody fault. Not yours, not mine and not Klaus'. It just-. I'm sad that it had to come to this. Maybe we can try be friends again. "

Tyler look over her body ignore what she just say, make Caroline feel uncomfortable,he looked at her like she was piece of meat.

"Now go away I need to change clothes."

"I don't think so." He whisper, came even more closer.

"Tyler I said go."she step back, hitting the wall

"And I said I don't think so." He begging kiss her shoulder and Caroline pushed him back.

"Tyler I said go."

"Oh come on we both want it."

"I don't Tyler. We broke up and beside you have Hayley now."

Tyler begging kissing her again and this time he didn't let her pushing him.

"Tyler let me go!"

"Tyler please just stop." She start to cry.

He started to move his hands all over her body who was cover in towel trying to pull it of.

Caroline reached the bottle of soap that was near her and hit him with it.
He fall to the ground and she got dressed, cleaned her tears and try to forget what just happened.

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