Rossi Manor

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The manor really looks like a new place, or rather a place I've seen before. It looks like the old manor in Akuma's death echo. Bright and clean, Dad even had the windows fixed. He said he'll have an electrician and plumber come by in the next few days to get us 'modernized'. Robin seemed excited about it, so must have something to do with his virtual world.

I push open the door to my room; it's too magnificent for me. In my old hoodie and shorts, I don't feel like the fine furnishings suit me. Exhaustion is weighing me down, but I force myself to take a quick shower.

The house may look good as new, but it retains its eerie aura. The floors still creak. The mice still scratch. The pipes still knock and howl. It's still a haunted house. Nothing has changed just because it's polished up.

After a hot shower, I'm even more eager to rest. Planted in front of the room within the dark hallway, I'm hesitant to enter. I've never been inside. Anything can happen...

You are the master. Close the door.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Close the door and I won't see things I don't want to see. Simple.

There it is, the yellow door. Mom's door...

I can't. I turn on my heels only to be startled by Akuma.

"I... Thought I'd made you disappear for good." I say quietly.

"I wouldn't tell you to do something that would make me disappear forever, before I've collected on your debt." He says coldly.

This Akuma before me lacks any of the characteristics of the Akuma I first met. He's not excited or curious or stoic. He's just cold, just like the dead... He crosses to the open window, eyes set on the purple sky and the fading sunlight.

Akuma returns his gaze to me and his dark eyes pierce right through. The familiar chill of death lays like a blanket over the entire room.

"You promised to help me, and so you shall." Somber coated words stick to me like a curse I can't disobey.

"H-How can I do that?"

This is wrong. You can't save the dead.

"We'll have to go back to Rossi Manor in 1942. You'll have to watch my death again."

"How will that save you?

"You just need to focus, Elidi. Go back with me, touch me and pull me out of the echoe. When you do that, I can cross over into the light. You can do that can't you?" He looks at me in earnest and I feel a sudden pressure to do this well.

I have no idea what Akuma is asking of me, but I'm tired of watching people suffer injustice. It can't go on.




"What did that officer say to you?" I watch as the flash of fear darts across his eyes like a shooting star.

"He called me Japanese scum." He mumbles.

This doesn't sit right, but I have no way to prove otherwise. I can only take him at his word, and keep mine.

"I'll help you. But, can I help you tomorrow? I'm really tired." Akuma's jaw tightens with his hesitation, but he nods and is gone from my sight.

I let free a sigh.

Do better.

I ball a fist up at my side, digging my nails into the palm of my hand.

You have nothing to fear when you are the master. You are in control.

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