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Jisung wasn't popular at his old school, but he wasn't unpopular either and he was statisfied, he had his group of friends (though not Felix, he comes in later) and he was happy.

SM high school was filled with beautiful people so of course it was a school filled with prejudice, if you weren't beautiful you better have some other redeeming features else you'd see that dark side of the school.

Luckily for Jisung he was both funny and fairly smart as well as having quite a bit of talent which he proved when he impressed his music class with his rapping skills, he was also an all round friendly smiley guy so it was hard to not like him.

It didn't last for long.

It was common knowledge that Jisung had Acarophobia but since nobody knew what it was they thought it was just like a fear of bugs, which is fine, because everyone's afraid of something right?

It was fine.

Until it happened, that one day, all because Jisung forgot to put on his anti-itch moisturizer.

One tiny mistake.
Caused all this pain.

After the incident nobody greeted him, his friends stopped talking to him, even teachers avoided him,
After a week of social isolation the physical pain began, every day during lunch he was forced to go up to the school rooftop, hand over his lunch money and then be subjected to all kinds of torture for their amusmant.

He didn't even know who these people where. He'd never done anything to personally offend them, to them he was just another toy.

Sometimes it would just be a normal beating up, and really, he preferred that to the other various ways they came up with to torture him,

They would make him crawl across the gravel flooring of the roof towards them then lick there shoes while praising them and calling them master, when this was done they proceed to kick him till he was groaning, it was humiliating, like he was a dog.

This continued for two weeks,

on the Friday of the second week a blessing called Felix came to him.

He was hobbling down the stairs and turned a corner to come face to face with the constellations themselves, he expected the boy to either brush past with a disgusted look or punch him for bumping into him, instead he was pulled into the warmest embrace he had ever felt in all his life.

He didn't understand but he didn't question it and soon the boys were chatting away, Jisung discovered that like him, Felix had been isolated from the rest of the students bullied consistently for his freckles and his deep voice, (which Jisung told him were both beautiful characteristics) however they only made remarks behind his back, they'd been too scared to actually physically bully Felix, but I mean Jisung could admit; the boy did have some scary duality..

But as Jisung soon learned, Felix's true form was really just a sweet fluffy baby that was full of fun and loved to send Jisung the most obscure memes, he brought out the fun-loving side in Jisung and made him happy again, the two were inseparable and No-one dared to touch Jisung with Felix at his side.

It was short lived however.

Felix's sister back in Australia fell ill and he had to go help take care of her, he left with many tears and promises to keep in touch everyday, and that Jisung would tell him as soon as something went wrong.

Three weeks after Felix had left it started up again, it wasn't as bad as the first time around as many of those students had left the school but with the anxiety that first time had left him with it was way too much to handle. Of course Felix never knew a thing, he wouldn't be selfish and bother his dear friend when his sister need him much more than Jisung did.

So he dealt with it, and he was fine!

..At least that's what he thought, but his mother was becoming increasingly more and more worried about him and one day when the one thing that had been keeping him going : Felix's texts, stopped, he spilled everything to his mother who promptly reported this to the school (not that the money obsessed corrupt bastards cared)  and arranged for him to move schools.

~Back to the present time~

Smiling Jisung added Felix's new number to his contacts, naming him 'Fefe the flower tot 🌻'

He had explained that he'd moved to a new school though had avoided explaining why and the two had excitedly arranged to meet up when Felix revealed that he was coming back to Korea soon, they'd even discussed the possibility of Felix coming to LC high school, which, the chances of where high.

After chatting with Felix for a while the clock in the top right-hand corner of his screen caught his eye. He hopped of the counter and grabbed his bag at lightened before shooting Felix a quick text

Sungie 🔆
Shit Felix I'm supposed to be in lesson ttyl

Fefe the flower tot 🌻
Aight mate
Text me when you get home later

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