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"Can you please stop glaring at me other lee"

Felix nearly spat his sweetcorn at his hyung across the table "other lee, OTHER LEE?!!?!? I HAVE A NAME"

"okay cat food."

Felix let his mouth hang open in shock, just glaring at Minho who was ripping apart onion rings and feeding them little by little to Jisung who was perched on Minho's lap comfotably leaning against his chest.

eventually he managed to close his mouth and instead turned his glare to his chips and began eating them viciously, 

"Why are mad at him anyway?" Jisung said swallowing the last mouthful of his meal, he was well aware that Felix was going to rant but he went ahead with the question anyway

The blonde Australian inhaled deeply through the mouth and then let it all out within the space of 5 seconds"Because I'm single, and you two couples are making me feel even more single, and Minho stole you from me and we never hang out anymore." Felix sniffled and let a single forced tear roll out of his eye and into his chips.

There was silence.

A tumble weed rolled past

"Stop being dramatic Felix." Hyunjin said finally and everyone including Felix turned, stopped eating and just stared at Hyunjin, making direct eye contact with the boy until he became uncomfortable

"W-what? What did i say?"

Seungmin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Nothing idiot." 

They all went back to eating, ignoring Hyunjin who was still trying to get someone to answer, unable to understand the issue with his comment.

The chatter in the canteen quieted a little as they where getting closer to the end of lunch, girls dressed for the hot weather in tiny shorts and crop tops wandered past, glared at Jisung and tried to catch the eye of Seungmin, Hyunjin and Minho,

Minho noticed of course but he was used to it and it simply reminded him of something he'd been meaning to ask Jisung

"Hey Jisung..."Minho mumbled thoughtfully, the boy in his lap shifted slightly to face him better, "It's boiling these days why are you still wearing long sleeves."

Jeongin in the corner of his table coughed and almost spat his strawberry milk, Chan rubbed his back gently and said "Minho..." pointedly

Minho wasn't qualmed and just prodded Jisung gently, the younger blanked, was Minho seriously stupid? Or did he forget?

"Have you forgotten that I have Acarophobia?"


Minho's face was completely blank so Jisung decided the best way to explain was to just show him, he hitched up one of his sleeves and waited for  reaction, he could feel it coming, Minho was going to be cringing in disgust and to be honest how wouldn't blame the elder

but Minho looked at the scars that lined and simply nodded "Yeah but why won't you wear short sleeves?"

Jisung sighed and tugged his sleeve back down "Because my arms are....oh whatever...nevermind.."

"Say it." Minho demanded firmly 

"They're... well they're ugly."

Minho grabbed his arm placed a gentle kiss on his wrist, "They're not, I mean look how slender and pretty they are" he raised it up for everyone on the table to see while Jisung covered his face with his other hand out of embarrassment, they others didn't say much, just nodded, they where already used to Minho simping for Jisung at this point

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