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( English is in slant like this )

"When do I get to meet hiiiiiimmmm"

Jisung sighed having heard this for the umpteenth time now, he wished Felix could learn to have a little more patience, but who was he kidding, that was never going to happen

"I told you already Felix, He had stuff to do at break and he's in lesson right now, it'll be lunch soon just wait."

Felix narrowed his eyes suspiciously, Jisung had chosen to not tell Felix about his and Minho's arrangement until Felix had actually met the elder, he was worried it would create a negative pre-impression and  wanted Felix to judge Minho for who he actually was and so held off on divulging the information.

The general student body hadn't actually met Felix yet as the two of them had decided to spend Felix's first day skiving off on the school rooftop so that they could catch up, not a great way to start school but it didn't really matter at this point, no one even noticed when Jisung was gone.

"Okay so spill the names."

"Huh?" Jisung sat up a little straighter and played dumb,

"You know exactly what I mean, who made everyone hate you?"

Jisung kept his mouth zipped and just stared at Felix who's frown started to mutate into a glare.

"What are you gonna do, beat them up?" He murmured mockingly 


"You with your scrawny ass, no offense Felix your taekwondo skills are awesome but Changbin is thick he'd snap you in half."

Felix looked offended for about 0.00009867 of a second before he leant back against the metal fencing and crossed his arms with a smirk on his face

"Oh so his names Changbin huh..?"

Jisung face palmed and then got on his knees and crawled to Felix's ankles grabbing a hold of them and wrapping his arms around his legs and looking up at him with a deep pout

"Please don't do anything stupid lix, I've only just got you back, I cant lose you again." He whinged

"Jisung, I'm he-"




"I'll just... leave... "

Jisung got up from the ground effective-immediate somewhat embarrassed at being caught in that position and rushed over to Minho, grabbing his arm and pulling him over to the usual spot whilst Felix just rolled around on the floor laughing at his misfortune,

The stood and stared for a moment, Jisung just used to the display and Minho not quite knowing what to think before they both just shrugged and left him to stop in his own time.

"Sorry about him..." Jisung said as he pulled Minho to sit taking his school bag from him and putting it with the other two before re-joining them with his lunchbox and pushing it into the middle and setting out the many layers, he handed out some colourful chopsticks and gave orange to Felix and red Minho reserving his favourite blue ones for himself,

"I got mum to pack even more today so that Felix can join us." Jisung proclaimed with pride, and of course he was prideful, his mother, as mentioned many times before, was a top notch lunchbox maker.

Felix by this point had stopped heaving and was just quietly whipping tears from his eyes with an occasional giggle, he took the chopsticks gratefully and everyone dug in silently too focussed on the plentiful food to talk.

After a while Felix and Minho both looked up in sync deciding it was time to get to know each other, Jisung nervously sat in-between the two looking back and forth tensely as if this was a tennis match.

Minho decided to speak up first and break the slightly awkward silence in which the two of them where just starting at each other

"Hi my name is Minho, and you must be Felix, Jisung talked about you a lot." He stuck out his hand to be shook but Felix merely looked at it with pretend-confused look on his face deciding that he could have some fun and play with the elder

"Um what..? Did you say something, I can't understand."

Jisung snorted and decided to let Felix have his fun as this was sure to be amusing, Minho retracted his hand carefully as if facing a large wildebeest and turned to Jisung obviously flustered and in need of help

"He can't speak Korean!?!?!"

In response Jisung just shrugged and Jilix shot each other winks whilst Minho was left wondering how Jisung didn't know whether his best friend that he'd known for years could speak Korean or not. Softly he brought in a strangled breath before giving his best attempt at speaking English

"You.. no speak.. korea?"

Felix and a Jisung paused for a second absorbing this and then they went into fits at the adorable attempt to communicate, Jisung pinched Minho's cheek unable to contain himself which made the eldest flinch not quite used to the motion,

"Yes I can.... speak... Korean" Felix managed to get out between breathless giggles whilst Minho sat with a rather perturbed look

He made a small 'hmpf' noise and sat unamused whilst the other two were still twittering and making fun of him, he waited for them to stop until he finally received a sorry from both of them before he uncrossed his arms.

Felix unlocked and handed his phone to Minho smirking still, Minho took the phone from him assuming that he wanted Minho's number and he was right

He put in his number, snapping a quick selfie pulling a peace sign for the contact profile picture and named it: LCA: Lee Minho

Felix took his phone back before observing it and snorting loudly at the name,

"Let's change this to something cuter... like lino~"


At that very moment the bell rang and Minho didn't get a chance to protest,

"Anyway I'll text you later, you have to go to lesson now right?"

Minho nodded standing up after handing his chopsticks to Jisung, he grabbed his  black backpack, brushed his legs of and then ruffled Jisung's hair as he usually did at the end of lunch, he gave a small wave to Felix who grinned back and started ambling towards the door before he was stopped


Minho spun on his heel smoothly and looked back at Felix who had shouted for him

"Why don't you join me and Jisung on our Friday night hangout so I can get to know you better."

Minho let the words sink in and felt a twist of jealousy in his gut, wasn't Friday night His and Jisung's movie night, why was he suddenly getting replace? why didn't Jisung look bothers at the statement?

But he pushed it to the back of his mind and the bottom of his heart, he couldn't be thinking or feeling these things, Felix was obviously a very important person to Jisung and it didn't mean that Minho was suddenly going to be replaced right?

Minho yanked himself of his train of thought and gave Felix a nod and a warm smile before leaving, but underneath all that he was frowning and he was butthurt.

I've just realised that I should proofread all the time, this one improved quite a bit from proofreading,

but im lazy sooooo...

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