Chapter five: Detention?

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As they walked into Professor Flitwick's office, Hermione felt so bad, their going to get in trouble because of her! As she started to cry, Draco put his arm around her, earning a glare from Ron. He and Blaise quickly started to tell her it wasn't her fault and that it was going to be okay. They quickly stopped as soon as Professor Flitwick walked in, Hermione quickly dried her tears.

"Now, what was the meaning of that in my class?" he asked in a gentle tone, while he climbed up into his chair so he could be the same height as them.

"Professor, this is all my fault." Hermione said quickly.

"What? No it's not Hermione! Weasley pulled her book from her hands and continued to perter her even after Draco told him to leave her alone, then Weasley shoved Draco telling to back off, and that's when you entered." Blaise explained quickly.

"Ron, is that true?" the professor asked looking at Ron.

"Yes sir, but I was just trying to talk to Hermione and Draco wouldn't even let her answer!" he almost yelled but caught himself.

"Hermione, can you please tell me your perspective of this incident?" he asked calmly, noticing her tears streaked face.

Yes sir," she nodded, "Well, Draco and Blaise were messing around with each other, while I was reading, and then Ron just grabbed my book and kept trying to get me to forgive him and take him back-"

"Wait, forgive him for what?" Flitwick asked

She looked at Draco, and he nodded, encouraging her to go on. "Yesterday Ron slapped me because I was walking and talking with Draco to lunch. After that Draco punched him, then Ron left." she paused looking at the professor.

"Okay, thank you for telling me Hermione. Now, go one with today's story."

"Well, after he told me he was sorry, I didn't know what to say, so Draco took my book back from Ron and handed it to me before he and Blaise pushed me behind them. Then Draco told him to back off because it was obvious I didn't want to talk to him. But Ron would listen so he shoved Draco, and that's when you walked in." she explained, looking up at the small professor.

"I see, thank you Hermione. Blaise, if I hadn't walked in at the time, what would you have done? And tell me the truth." he added.

"Well, I probably would have kept Hermione back if Draco and Ron got into a fight, knowing she would try and intervene." he answered honestly.

"Hmmm, I see, thank you Blaise, you and Mrs. Granger may leave, you don't have to do the charm assignment, but I want to continue to talk to Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Weasley." he said with a wave of his hand as the door opened for them.

Hermione looked at Draco and he gave her a reassuring smile and nodded for her to go with Blaise. She smiled back as she got up and left with Blise. They went outside and sat on a bench under a tree. "Do you want me to tell you some embarrassing stories of Draco to get your mind off of what just happened?" Blaise asked noticing the scared look on her face.

"Oh yes please." she said with a grin.

"Oh, do I have some stories for you then." he said with a laugh as he started to tell her about the time Draco and him climbed a tree, and Draco got stuck on the top branch, to scared to come down.


How was he going to tell Hermione? At least he didn't get into to much trouble, just one night detention while Ron had a week, and a letter sent home to his parents. He walked outside and smiled when he saw Hermione laughing with Blaise, but it immediately changed to a frown when he realized what their probably laughing about. He quickly walked over there and asked what they were laughing about.

"Oh, I just told her about the time you got stuck in the tree." Blaise said between laughs.

Draco's face became beet red immediately, "Well, that was when I was 7! I'm not afraid of heights anymore!" he said

"It's okay Draco, I was afraid of heights to." Hermione told him as he sat down on the other side of her.

"Okay, that makes me feel a little but better, but now you know something embarrassing about me, but I don't know anything embarrassing about you!" he said jokingly.

"Yeah Mione! Tell us something embarrassing about you!" Blaise said, Draco smiled at the nickname his best friend gave Hermione.

"Okay, okay! You win!" she said, putting her hands up in mock surrender, "Okay, so one time, when I was 6, I was at a family reunion, swimming with my cousins. And I went to jump off the dock at the lake, and my bathing suit top kind of, maybe flew off." she said, getting redder than the red on her Gryffindor tie.

"Bwahahahahaha! That's priceless!" Blaise exclaimed laughing hard.

"Oh come on! That's not as what happened to Blaise!" Draco said, pulling Hermione closer to him, and she put her head on his shoulder hiding her red face.

"Oh no, you promised you would tell anyone about that!" Blaise said jumping up, pointing his finger at Draco trying not to laugh, but failing.

"Oh well, to late." Draco said with a smile, "Okay, so last year, me, Blaise, and Pansy were all at my house, in the pool, and Blaise decided to hex the diving board so it was really high off the ground. And he jumped off, but he feel on his butt, and his trunks got caught on the edge, and they ripped off of him, so he feel about 20 feet down to the pool with no suit on, completely naked." Draco told her, laughing.

"Well, I guess that's worse than my experience." Hermione managed to say in between laughs.

"I disown you as my best friends for laughing." Blaise said with mad look on his face, trying to stay serious, but ended up laughing.

They all feel on the ground laughing hard until they were all crying. "Okay, we have talk about something serious now." Hermione said sitting up, moving so she was facing Blaise and Draco.

"Ugh, fine." Blaise said, sitting up.

"Okay, so, what happened after we left Flitwick's office?" she asked Draco once he sat up.

"Oh, yeah, well nothing really happened. I have detention tonight, but thats it. Weasley has one week detention and a letter is getting sent to his parents." he told them.

"Okay. Well, we should probably get to lunch." she said as she took Draco's hand to help her get up. Once they starting walking, she noticed she was still holding Draco's hand. She laced her fingers through his and smiled when he looked at her shocked, but he smiled and started to rub the back of her hand.

"Oh don't get all sappy and romantic with me here!" Blaise whined.

"Oh don't be a baby Blaise." Draco complained as they walked into the dining hall and sat down with Harry and Ginny.

GInny grinned when she saw Hermione and Draco's hands. "So, I heard about what happened i Flitwick's, are you okay Hermione?" Harry asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." she smiled at him reassuringly, "Oh, Harry, Ginny this is Blaise. I hope we can all be friends, he helped me with Ron earlier" she said as she motioned towards Blaise.

"Of course Hermione. As long as they both say sorry for what they did." Harry said smiling at how happy his best friend looked with Draco.

"Yeah, I am sorry about all of that Harry and Ginny. I really do hope we can be friends now because I really like Hermione, as a friend." Blaise added quickly after Draco shot him a look. Both girls giggled at the look on Draco's face.

Ginny smiled at how happy her best friend looked with Draco. She's never seen her this happy before. With Ron she was still serious Hermione, but with Draco, she's still serious, but she's laughing a lot more and she's more let loose.

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