Chapter nine: Forgiveness is what she's known for, right?

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Thank you for being so patient! I know I haven't updated in a while. I was having some major writers block. But I think I know where I'm going to go with the story now. 


As the two girls walked back to their table, they noticed that Blaise looked worried.

"So, what'd she say?"

"Go for it." Hermione said, a grin on her face as she kissed Draco on his cheek.

"Really?" he asked eager

"Really! Now go over there Blaise!" Ginny yelled at him, pushing him slightly.

"Okay, okay! I'm going!" he got up from his set, and nervously walked over to Luna where she was sitting alone at the end of the Ravenclaw table.

"So, is she really going to say yes?" Harry piped up.

"Yes she is Harry! Have some faith in him!" Ginny squealed, pushing her boyfriend slightly.

"I do! I just still can't believe that Blaise and Luna are going to be a thing." he said, shaking his head, but smiling.

"Oh! What is their ship name going to be 'Mione?"

Hermione smiled at how excited her best friend was, "I don't know Ginny! Oh! What about Bluna?"

"Perfect. I'm sure he'll love it sweetheart." Draco said, kissing her temple.

"Sweetheart?" Ginny asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What? I was trying something new!" raising his hands in defence.

"Don't worry Draco, I for one love it." Hermione said, hugging him smiling when he sighed before hugging her back.


They all walked down to the lake together. Blaise was still with Luna. The sun was starting to set so they sat down on the hill, watching the sun set fully. It was quiet, but it was a peaceful silence, not an awkward one. Suddenly a voice broke that silence, "Uh, Hermione? C-Can I talk to you for a second? Alone?"

She turned around to see Ron standing there, fidgeting nervously with his hands. Draco quickly stood up and pulled Hermione with him, but pushing her behind him gently. "And why would she do that weasel?" he spat, glaring at Ron.

"I- I just wanted to tell her I'm sorry. For everything. I- I know that some of the things I did are unforgivable, but I just wanted to let you know that I truly am sorry Hermione." he said looking at her. She had slipped out from behind Draco and was now standing next to him.

"Ron, you have no idea how bad I've wanted for you to say that. It's been hard without the third part of the 'Golden Trio' around." she cried running up to him and hugging him.

"Wait, Hemrione." Draco said, pulling her back once she let go of Ron.

"Draco, it's fine. He said he's sorry. Didn't he-"

"No, Hermione, I understand why he's hesitant. What I did to you was truly unforgivable. It was awful, and I regret it every day. I don't know what came over me that day. And I know that's no excuse, but I guess I thought that I would lose you, even as a friend. And I panicked. I really am sorry. I'll go now. Let you think." he gave her a weak smile before he walked away.

She watched as Ron walked away from them, a single tear fell down her face and she realized just how much she had missed having Ron in her life. She felt her best friend's arms around her, she turned around and hugged the green eyed boy.

"It will be okay Hermione. We all missed him. At least now we know he really is sorry." Harry said into his best friend's hair.

"I know Harry, but sometimes I still think that everything is okay. But it's not-"

"Shhh, Hermione, everything will be okay. I promise. You have me, and Ginny, and Luna, and Blaise, and you even have that ferret of a boyfriend of yours."

"Hey!" Draco yelled, smiling when he heard Hermione giggle. "Alright Potter, my turn." he said as Harry reluctantly let go of Hemrione and went to hug Ginny. "I've got you now. It's okay, I've got you now love." he said as he rubbed circle's on her back.

"I know." she said warmly.


Just like that the Golden Trio was back together. The next morning Ron sat down with them, Lavender next to him. Luna and Blaise were going out, Ginny and Harry had stopped arguing over little things and agreed not to let it ruin their relationship. Hermione and Draco sat there, she smiled at her friends and how happy they all looked now that they were together again. Draco just smiled at her. They finished out their last year at Hogwarts.

Luna followed in her father's footsteps and took over the Quibbler. Ron and Harry became Auror's. Draco took over his father's different businesses, Blaise as his co-owner. Hemione became Minister of Magic. Lavender opened up a small flower shop below her and Ron's house. Ginny went on to play for the Holyhead Harpies. They all got married to their Hogwarts sweethearts. Harry and Ginny had two little boys, two years apart, James Sirius Potter and Albus Severus Potter. Ron and Lavender got married and had a little girl, Rose Molly Weasley. Luna and Blaise had twins, Lorcan Frank Zabini and Cerelia Marie Zabini. Draco and Hermione had a little boy Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy and a little girl, they had also adopted Teddy Lupin, Lupin and Tonks son.


I would just like to say thank you to everyone who gave this story a chance. It was my first story and fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed it.

~Izzy :)

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