Chapter eight: Friends?

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"Wake up Draco." Hermione whispered in her boyfriend's ear, she still can't believe he asked her out in the jacuzzi last night. It was Saturday so they didn't have any classes today, but she didn't want to miss breakfast. She crawled into his bed and started to tickle him to wake him. "Wake up Drakey." she said giggling, she had no idea were that name came from.

"Drakey? Really?" he mumbled, his voice husky from sleep. He slowly sat up rubbing his eyes. "You couldn't think of anything better?" he said as he pulled her on top of him, laying back down. "How about we just stay like this, all day?" as he kissed her gently.

"You know I'd love too. But, as head boy and girl, we have to make some appearances." she giggled as he tickled her.

"Fine." he groaned, slowly sitting up, Hermione still in his lap. She slowly got up and walked back to her room, she left her door open on purpose. She took off her pajamas and got dressed, standing in front of her open door the whole time, just to torture Draco. She looked over at him, literally drooling, and she giggled, slowly pulling her shirt on. She gave him a wink, and bent over to grab her shoes.

"God Hermione, why are you torturing me like this?" Draco whined as he stopped in her doorway, without a shirt on. 

"And why must you torture me?" she asked starting at his chest, smiling at how low his pants were hanging. 

"Me? Torture you? Never!" he said as he walked over to her and pulled her in for a hug, kissing the top of her head. "I mean, we could just stay here all day." he mumbled into her hair.

She sighed, "You know I want too, but I also want some breakfast. Now, get a shirt on and lets go." she said, smiling as he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say my love." he said with a grin, walking over to her drawer, and grabbing on of her shirts out.

"Not my shirt! Your going to stretch it out!" she whined as he pulled it over his head.

"I'll wear my own shirt, but, you have to wear one of mine too." he said, a wicked grin on his devilishly handsome face.

"You are a monster." she said coldly, walking to his room and grabbing two of his shirts out. "Now take off my shirt before you ruin it!" she squealed, running to him and pulling it over his head.

"Your a witch, you know you just put some charm on it and it'll go back to normal." he said laughing.

"I know, but it won't be the same." she whined as she pulled her shirt off and tossed it on his bed.

"How?" he asked, grinning as he grabbed one of his shirt's and pulled it around Hermione. Buttoning it slowly.

"I don't know!" she squealed as he buttoned the top button. He just laughed and went to put his shirt on. Buttoning it much faster than he did with Hermione. She raised an eyebrow. "What? I'm hungary!" he said, raising his hands in defence.

"Oh, so your hungary now? But not even 15 minutes ago you wanted to stay in bed all day?" she questioned, raising her eyebrow again. He just nodded, and smiled as they walked out, hand in hand to the dining hall.


He was so glad she said yes to being his girlfriend. He kept thinking about how she jumped up and down in excitement when he asked her in the jacuzzi. They were walking hand in hand to the dining hall when they ran into Blaise, Harry, and Ginny.

Hermione immediately dragged him over to Ginny and started telling her everything about how he asked her out, leaving out the bits where the made love together. The girls squealed together before they continued walking, leaving the boys behind.

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