Chapter six: What happens to the golden trio now?

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After diner they all went outside to get some fresh air and get to know each other since their all on good terms, well, except Ron. Draco still cant believe that the golden trio is no more. After everything they have gone through together, for it all to end because of him. He hung his head as he realized it was all his fault, he felt worse then he thought he would.


Once they were walking towards the lake, Hermione noticed Draco was walking slower than the rest and he had his head hung low. What is he- Oh no, he think its his fault. The stupid boy. Hermione thought as she shook her head and made her way back to Draco. She quickly took his hand and led him away from the group. She stopped once they were behind a tree. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, it is not your fault that the 'golden trio' is no more! Please, don't blame yourself." She said as she looked up into his usually silver eyes, now gray and filled with guilt. How can she make him feel better? I know! Kiss him Hermione! She smiled at the thought of kissing Draco again. You know what? I'm gonna do it she thought. 

She pushed him back against the tree, stood on her tippy toes, and gently pressed her lips to his. Her hands traveling to the nape of his neck, tangling her finger in his hair. She heard him groan against her lips as she parted her lips and slipped her tongue in his mouth. His hands traveled to her hips, pulling her closer to him. "Draco." she murmured against his lips as she looked up to see his eyes full of desire.

"Let's go to my room." he whisper as he puller her up into his arms and pressed another kiss to her lips.


They somehow got back to his room without anyone noticing. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked, as she's still in his arms, kissing his neck.

"I'm very sure." she murmured against his neck, making him shiver.

"Okay" he said as he gently laid her down on the bed, then to slowly unbutton her shirt, once it was off he took his off. He took her right then and there. It was both her first time, and his.


"Oh my god. That was amazing." Hermione said after they made love. He loved how happy she was as she cuddled into him, still naked under the blankets.

"Yeah, I know right? I never thought it would feel that good." he murmured into her hair, rubbing her back.

"Wait," she said, sitting straight up, the blanket falling down. She didn't even bother to pull it back up. God her body is so beautiful. He smirked at the thought. "you mean, that was your first time to?"

"Yep, and I wouldn't dream of it with anyone else. Now, please lay back down. I'm getting cold without your body next to mine." he smiled as she did what he asked. She laid her head back on his shoulder, his arm around her rubbing her back slightly. She hadn't moved in a couple minutes, so he assumed she was asleep, so he whispered to her saying,"Oh Hermione, I'm too scared to tell you this when your awake. But you have no idea how long I've had a crush on you. You're desirable, you're perfect, and hopefully one day, you'll be mine. I love you, and I have for so long." he sighed, knowing he was to much of a wuss to tell her that when she was awake, but he'll try.

"Oh Draco, you don't have to wait for me to wake up. I love you too, I just never realized it before." Hermione whispered back, moving on top of him and kissing his neck, his chin, and then his lips.

"Wait, you were awake?" he asked, embarrassed she heard his confession of love, but glad she did. He smiled, kissing her back before she could respond.

"Yes I was awake silly. What time is it?" she teased, giggling against his lips.

"Ummm, I believe it is about midnight my love." he said before tickling her a little.

"Okay, well, I guess I'll just have to sleep here tonight." she managed to say between giggle from him tickling him.

"Oh, such a shame." he smirked as she rolled her eyes. She quickly fell asleep in his arms, for real this time. He sighed, this was never going to get old. He smiled at the thought off her being in his bed again. He soon feel asleep, his arms wrapped around her.

Sorry for such a short chapter, but I thought this would be a good place to end. I hope you enjoy this fanfiction. Please comment if you see any typos or spelling errors that slipped by me. Thank you! :)

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