Chapter 7 - You can't back out

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Hey guys , sorry for the little cliff hanger on the last chapter . So with out further ado , here is chapter 7!  * jumps up and down on my bed , eating , eating and more eating , while fangirling about anything * ~ Laura

Troye's POV
Oh my gosh , oh my gosh , what the hellWhy did I end the kiss and then just walk out on Tyler like that ?!! Especially how in a matter of a few days , I've fallen head over heels for him

I run home immediately , quickly getting my keys , opening the door and then into my room , collapsing on my bed with a huge grin on my face .


I grab my phone from the bedside table and see that I have a message from Ty


From Tyler  : Hey

To Tyler : Hi xoxo

From Tyler : I was wondering , after school tomorrow , we can go to the beach ? Maybe have a little swim ?

To Tyler : Ermmm idk about that Tilly x

From Tyler : Oh , come on ! Live a little ! It will be fun xoxo

To Tyler : Fine , you win

From Tyler : Yes ! See u tomoz bae xoxoxo

He's won , again .... I sighed , putting my phone back on my beside table and climbing under the covers and sleep taking over me , immediately .

** Time skip **
Tyler's POV  - the next day , at school

" What do you mean , I can't back out ? !? " I yelled at Ryan furiously

" because we made a bet , and the bet is to turn that unpopular , geeky ,tramp into prom king " Ryan answered

" WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HIM ?!? YOU ARSEHOLE ! " I roared in his face , close to punching him , when Alfie pulled me away .

Ryan then grabbed me and shoved me against a wall and lowered his voice saying " you can't back out , the bet still stands and if you dare break it off , I will ruin you "

" you can't hurt me " I answered , gritting my teeth

" I know , but I can hurt your precious Troye boy , and by hurting him , I'm hurting you " Ryan said , coldly .

" If you dare lay one finger on him ... " I growled

" I won't , if you listen to my orders and still carry on with the bet " Ryan answered me , gripping the collar of my t shirt

" OK " I mumbled

" good boy " he patted my head and walked off grinning , the other boys following .
What am I going to do now?

Hey guys ! Double update , I will probably end up posting the next chapter later or tomorrow # YOLO . This chapter is dedicated to my impatient bezzie @Ceritroyler , who couldnt handle a cliffhanger , well guess what ? You have another one cez ! Lol I'm mean , I love you all to the moon and back ! * climbs on a pegasus , flys over to your house and gives you a cookie , except ceri :P * ~ Laura
P.S just kidding cez ! , maybe ... 

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