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Sadly my day wasn't about to get any better. When I walked up to my apartment my former 'boss' was leaning against my front door. Why do unwanted people keep showing up wherever I go?

"You look like a drowned cat." Ace said as a way of greeting. I glowered at him with narrow eyes. I stopped right in front of him, mere inches away from him and dripping rainwater on his shoes.

"And you look like an old mattress." I said. Ace cocked an eyebrow in confusion. "In the way and unwanted." I clarified. Ace looked offended but snickered anyway. He had always known he looked good no matter what. His eyes flickered to my lips for a split second, right on time. It was a habit of his to let me know with subtle indications that he was still very much into me. Never with words but always a seductive body language. I couldn't deny that I liked to play into those feelings. However I took a step back and folded my arms over each other.

"What are you doing here, Ace?" I softly pronounced his name so it sounded almost like a snake hissing. I hadn't seen him in almost six months. I had made it very clear I was done with everything his world consisted of. Maybe not the pleasurable parts, but certainly the dangerous parts. And that meant I was done with him. Although seeing him again did make the heat rise in my body. He was too damn good looking. The perfect bad guy. Young, charming and very, VERY dangerous.

"It's been a while, am I not allowed to visit my favourite girl?" He pushed himself from the door and slowly looked me up and down, eyes slowing down every few inches to linger on my curves and where my wet clothes were sticking to me.

"No." I simply stated, not in the mood today. "You always have a special agenda. I told you the last time I was no longer interested." Ace's expression darkened slightly.

"And I told you, you can't walk away that easily."

"I cleaned up everything and finished every one of my jobs." I reminded him, matching his darkened expression. "I had no loose ends."

"You have a reputation." Ace stated coldly. "People are asking for you for jobs. You were good. You did what needed to be done."

"And I always made clear I would stop when I had what I wanted." I interrupted his praising.

"Stepping out of this world isn't that easy, Lilith." Ace argued and he stepped forward to close the gap between us again. His lips lingered above mine. It was like the last six months hadn't passed and it was just last week that I had seen him. His warm musky scent rose up and mixed itself with the salty smell of mine. A thrill rushed through my body as he spoke my code name, the name I used in that dark, dangerous world. I'd never told anyone my real name or identity back then.

"And you always seemed to like it so much." He whispered against my lips. He was referring to more than just the rush of the job. Before it could become a full kiss, I leaned back and smoothly leaned against the wall opposite of my front door. I shrugged, flatly looked at him.

"I got bored." I said monotonously looking him dead in the eyes. Soft fury flickered in his eyes. My words were a direct jab at our shared past. I didn't think I could ever truly get bored of him, of his dark eyes and hair or his delicious body. But I was done and stepping away from that world meant stepping away from him. It wasn't a difficult thing to do, just a shame it needed to be done.

Ace stepped forward again in one quick motion, leaning his body completely against mine so I couldn't step away this time. His lips brushed against my neck and jawline. I didn't want to react but my body always did its own thing around Ace and goose bumps covered my skin as a thrill ran through me. I felt his cocky grin against my skin.

"I can offer you more," he whispered, pressing his lips between my neck and jaw, "more money, more power. More of everything you want. By my side."

Gateway to Pandemonium [Open Novella Contest III] || CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now