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I was staring dumbfounded at the male in front of me. I had completely forgotten that I was still wet and naked, my body shivering from the cold. But The Devil was so chivalrous to stepped around me and hand me my towel that had been lying on the ground.

"Not that I mind looking at your lovely body, but we might be able to have a civil conversation if you're not completely naked." My cheeks heated from slight embarrassed because of my indecency. He was an immortal being, supernaturally handsome and not to forget fully dressed. I felt inferior to him by being completely naked and vulnerable. Besides that he was radiating with unnatural power reminding me not only of who he was but also what he had been capable of. I could never forget how terrified he had made me feel.

But I was able to suppress my intimidated feelings and took the towel from his outstretched hand, not bothered by the fact that he was able to see a part of my breast as I reached for it. I was even able to held his gaze even though the familiar hellfire in his eyes made my knees weak with fear. I wasn't backing down or showing him my fear. The Devil raised his eyebrows in the most cocky way, accompanied by roguish grin. I turned my back to him and wrapped the towel around myself.

"Why does the Devil need to have a civil conversation with just a mere human?" I wondered as I turned back around to face him. His power beamed at me with strong waves of fire on the rhythm of a beating heart.

"I beg to differ of you being just a 'mere' human." He responded mysteriously. I frowned at his words, but he didn't explain what he meant. His burning eyes scanned my face and he buried his hands nonchalantly in his pockets.

"So how have you been? How has the life without a soul been treating you, Ellis Parker?" The Devil slowly walked in a half circle around me so he could examine me. He looked so intensely at me that I wondered if he could look deeper than just the physical surface of my body, if he could see the hole within my being.

"I think you know how my life has been going, dear 'Luci'. You called me, Lilith." I responded insolently. I wanted to break this barrier of power between us. I wanted to take on a same relaxed posture as him, but all the nerves in my body were strung tightly by his presence. The Devil walked back into my vision and raised his eyebrows with pure amusement, his eyes gleaming with pleasure.

"You sure have been busy, darling."

"I tried to keep myself entertained." I shrugged impassively. The Devil chuckled at that.

"Was life with a healthy brother that boring?" He teasingly asked. He probably knew very well how living without a soul was like. He most likely didn't have a soul himself, being the lord of the underworld an all.

"I'm getting bored of this conversation." I retorted, looking at him with a bored expression not bothering to answer. I didn't care if it was rude and might offence him.

"You broke into my apartment, broke my mirror and violated my privacy. This favour of yours must be very important to so rudely intrude, Mr. Devil man." I tilted my chin up and cocked an eyebrow in an arrogant matter. The Devil puckered his lips with satisfied surprise.

"That sharp mouth of yours has really developed over the years hasn't it?" The Devil chuckled again amused. I rolled my eyes and sighed, being done with this conversation and wanted him to get straight to the point.

"What are you doing here, oh mighty Lucifer? It's only been five years, I'm far from being dead. It is not time to collect me yet." I mockingly asked him, tiredly folding my arms across my chest so I could keep the towel tightly wrapped around me.

"Although I like you calling me mighty, there is no need to be so formal." The Devil said seriously, straightening, "I prefer Lux."

"Lux?" I asked surprised. I had never heard a story or myth in which he was called that.

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