Chapter Two

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Eleanor's POV

     Once I made it closer to the house my halfway beating heart had sped up much more than usual. I was getting a bit worried about going back but I had to, I told Jasper that I would come home. But I was getting worried.

     "Ella what's wrong? Are you okay?" Jasper asked me once he had caught up with me.

     "Yeah I'm fine I'm just nervous to go inside again." I said when I quickly grab his hand.

     "Jasper I can't do it. I'm not going in I'm sorry I can't, I won't go in." I say as I turn and start to run off.

        I ran for so long that I didn't notice that I had ended up in Canada. I once shared a wood cabin with a pack of mismatched wolves who came up here when they got bored or angry. It's a sweet little house, I really don't mind sharing it with them, even though they stink sometimes. But my favorite Wolf well human is Jacob. Jacob has very interesting stories every time he comes here.

        I remember him telling me my favorite story. I remember the day he came and told me.

     "Hey is anyone here?" I perked up at the sound of Jacob's deep voice.

     "I'm in the living room. I'll make you some lunch." I call out to him.

     "Hey Ella how's your day been love?" Jake said as he gave me a semi tight hug. I rolled my eyes at him for calling me love.

      "It's been quiet, the boys haven't been here today. But what's made you so happy?" I ask as I finish making his sandwich and hand it to him.

     "Well I have a story to tell you. But first you have to do something for me." He said with a dumb smile on his face.

     "No I'm not making you my famous cookies." I say as I cross my arms over my chest.

     "Please? Like pretty please? It's a really good story I promise!" He says excitedly like a child.

     "No I don't even have the stuff to make them." I say as I look in my cabinets for the ingredients.

     "Oh that reminds me I picked something up for you while I was gone." He says with a cheeky smile.

     "Jacob Black! You are a pain in my ass I hope you know." I say as I give him a playful glare.

     "Okay, so go on with your story." I call out from the kitchen as I start to make his cookies.

     "Well a couple of days ago I was in this big fight with this newborn army and we won, even though I broke my arm and cracked a few ribs, it wasn't my fault. It was Leah's, I hate that she had to be the best when I told her I could handle it but she never listens. She thinks that just because she's Sam's ex girlfriend she can act anyway she wants to." Jake had said.

         But while I was listening it was then that I had known who he was talking about. In a sense I was upset and happy at the same time. I was upset because I had lost my family again but I was happy because I knew that Victoria was back with James in whatever hell existed that we fell into. At that moment I had stoped sturring and had fell to my knees crying. Jake had rushed to my side.

     "Ella what's wrong?! Are you okay?" Jake's voice had a bit of urgency in it.

     "Jake was the Vampire you killed a woman with red hair?" I say with tears streaming down my face.

     "No but I had heard that Seth killed a guy that was about your age." Once he said that I had lost it.

     "Jacob that was my mother that was killed. That was her army. That was my lover that you killed. Why?! They weren't going to hurt you!" I got up and screamed at him.

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