Chapter Three

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Eleanor's POV

After making Mikey his blueberry muffins I had went outside in the cold and sat down on the porch swing. I'm not sure why we had one but hey it's not like the cold bothers me that much. I remember Mikey and I making a mess in the kitchen and cleaning it up but then I think we took a nap on the couch together but I don't really remember, I think it's my gift that is acting up. But that only means that either someone is trying to read my mind or they're trying to mess with me. Maybe it's because I haven't been around the guys and I forgot how their wolf telepathy messed with my head.

I then smell someone coming up the drive way and I recognize the silver little car that is speeding up the drive. I quickly jump up in a protective stance, Mikey runs out here by my side.  I see a tall dark haired, slim figure gracefully step out the car. I hiss to myself as Mikey stands in front of me and covers me from Edward walking up to him and I. Now I know why my head was hurting, Edward was looking into my head and picking through my memories and thoughts from todays events.

"Eleanor Margret, is that you?" Edward calls me by my full name and I think I cringed.

"I don't know who you are but don't come any closer or I will hurt you." Mikey says as he starts to change into the sliver snowy wolf he was when angry.

"It's fine Mikey." I say as I pet my soft furry friend with a smile on my face. I always loved him as a wolf, he was always so soft compared to the rest of the guy's fur.

"You're really thinking about how his fur is soft?" Edward asks with a big smile.

So intern I show him a memory of his own about how much pain he felt when he thought Bella was dead when he moved to Italy.  He hissed and someone jumped out of the passenger side door.  The woman was thin with long dark brown hair and redish gold eyes, she had put out a force field it had seemed like which made Edward stop hissing and made my head hurt like I was just hit in the head with something.  Who the hell is this chick?

"She's my wife. Bella it's okay she wasn't hurting me she has a gift like yours and mine. She has the ability to mimic any power she wants. Ellie meet Bella my new born mate and wife." Edward says as he smiles down at her.

"I remember you, I tried to attack you once but he wouldn't let me." I say to Bella with a pout.  Mikey's wolf nudges me and grunts.

"Ellie play nice." Edward commands.

"What do you want? And why did you bring her?" I snort.

"We need you to come home, our daughter is in need of your help. You can help her since you both are Hybrids." Edward steps closer towards me and Mikey steps closer to him.

"Why? You have Grandpa to tell you about Hybrids, you don't need me. Plus why can't you take care of your own spawn?" I say as I roll my eyes at him.

Bella takes a step forward but Edward holds her back.

"Go ahead princess fight me and I'll take you down." I say with a growl.

"That's it Edward." Was all Bella said before she jumped and tried to attack me.

"Ha! such a petty attempt." I say as I look up at her in the air. I have the ability to control others movements but I normally don't use this power because people don't piss me off as often to use this power. But I do remember the day I found out I had it.

I was at the Denali Coven's for my 3rd birthday I was playing outside in the snow with Kate whilst everyone else was in the house setting up my party. I told Kate to stop throwing snowballs at me then I just flung my hand in her direction and she stopped laughing with me. I looked over, she was in mid throw she was just frozen in time it seemed like. Once I moved my had away from her I ducted and the snowball hit a tree instead of me. From that day on I never spoke of it or used it on anyone ever again that is until now.

"Eleanor Margret! Put her back down on the ground right this minuet." Edward said firmly, as if I was a child again.

"Fine I'll put her down."  I say with a smirk as I release her in mid air and watch her go crashing to the ground.

"Eleanor, I know you don't really like Bella but your niece needs you, and I know you ran into Jasper already today. I could smell someone different on him as he walked in the house. He seemed happy but he wouldn't let me read his thoughts and with Bella's shield Alice didn't see what happened." Edward explained as he, Bella, I and eventually Mikey sat on the porch.

"Wait, so why do I have to be the one to help her with her gift and not Grandpa or Princess over here?" I say as I toss my head towards Bella.  She just grunted in response and Edward rolled his eyes.

I shivered and Mikey put me in his lap and held me close. Edward's eyes flashed up to meet Mikey's then he looked back at me like nothing happened and continued rambling about how Nessie used to be able to show Bella her thought's and memories, but now Bella doesn't see anything Nessie tries to show her.

"Maybe Ness has developed her shield gift and didn't realize it. Bella when did this all start?" I turn and ask Bella.

"I think it started about a year ago when she looked 15 but she had hit puberty and I had thought that maybe that was the reason she couldn't show me her memories anymore." Bella said as Edward put an arm around her.

"That could be a possibility. Because when I had gotten older I was able to show my memories and others theirs. For example even though you're a shield mentally I could still pick through your head and show you my first memory of you and vise versa. I think I should go back with you guys, only because I could help her understand her abilities more since her and I are both Hybrids." I say as I attempt to get up from Mike's grip but I am quickly yet gently pulled back down to his lap.

"Where do you think you're going? Hmm missy, I just got you back today I don't think I'm gonna let you go so fast." Mike whispered in my ear. Edward and Bella shared that same look again, I think once we get back home I'm going to ask Edward what that look means.

"Can Mikey go with us?" I ask Edward in a sweet voice, showing him the memory of the time he and I went to the aquarium and I had begged him if we could bring uncle Jasper with us and he laughed and said yes and I squealed and jumped into Uncle Jazzy's arms. 

Edward just smiled at me and off we went back to Forks.

Here we go... 

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