Chapter Four

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Eleanor's POV

Our way to Forks wasn't that long due to the fact that Edward has a led foot so it only seemed like it was twenty minuets. But I do know that Mikey came with us and I got to lay on his shoulder and fall asleep again. I didn't realize that I was this sleepy but I guess it's because I've been stressed out a lot lately so finally today I got the chance to relax. Once we got back to the house Mikey carried me in and put me on the couch upstairs since I was asleep and everyone else was out doing there own thing when we got there.

I woke up to the smell of wet dog, which we didn't have a animal when I was younger so why have one now? I woke up and found someone sitting across from me, watching me sleep and it wasn't Mike, it was someone else.

"Do you always watch women sleep or is this your first time?" I ask as I meet the mystery person's eyes.

"No I've watched you sleep before, remember when we we're all going on a trip and you fell asleep on the air plane?" He asked as he chuckled.

"Wait Jake is that you?" I ask bewildered.

"Yeah it's me little bear." Jake said with a smile as I jumped on him and hugged him.

"Hey big bear it's been a long time. You look older, you look nice." I say as I buried my head into his neck and breathed in his sent. Wet dog, dial soap and rain. I've missed him so much.

But our moment stopped when someone walked in and cleared their throat, I was startled and Jake just laughed and squezzed me tighter to his warm body. I turned my head to see who made the noise and low and behold it was Jasper standing in front of the stairs. I blushed lightly then had gotten up from Jake's lap and walked over to Jasper and gave him a hug. I've missed him deeply but I could also tell that he had some influence on how I felt at that moment. In that moment I smelt strong perfume and dryer sheets, I knew it was Alice so I had showed Jasper a memory of when I was jumping trees and I hurt myself, I broke my wrist since I'm half human, I had to limit some of the things I can do since it take's me longer to heal than a regular vampire. The memory made him upset and he let go of me just before Alice came up the stairs.

"Eleanor we've missed you so much sweetie." Alice said as she hugged me too tight.

Yeah she was his "mate" but I was his blood singer and nothing is stronger than that bond between two people. Alice knows it, and so does he.

"I've missed everyone here too. I didn't know that Bella had been changed or I would've came back a long time ago." I said as Alice was done squeazing the little air I had in my lungs.

"She was changed three years ago when Nessie was born." Alice said as she walked up next to Jasper and wrapped her arms around Jaspers waist and vise versa.

Jasper still looks like he's in pain when he's around her and I at the same time. So I showed him a happy memory of mine. He was teaching me how to hunt for the first time, I looked like a ten year old and I wanted him and Emmett to teach me how to hunt so when Jasper went out on his own away from Emmett, I followed Jasper, he heard me so he taught me how to be stealthy so I don't scare my prey away from running and crushing leaves. Once the memory was over I looked up at Jasper an seen him smile at me as a silent thank you.

"Ella, baby is that you?" I heard my mother whisper. I knew it was her by the smell of faint hairspray and her sweet perfume.

"Yes momma it's me." I say as I run and jump into my Father's arms. Dammit Jasper don't make me feel this bad for leaving this house. I knew why he was using his power against me. It was so I would stay and not leave again. 

"Hey Bubs, Esme makes the best PB&J's you should try one." Mike says as he joins everyone in the upstairs living room.

Jasper tenses when Mike stands next to me. Jacob jumped on Mike's back for a piggy back ride. Well I'm glad they haven't changed that much. It makes me smile knowing that Jake missed Mikey and I.

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