Chapter Seven

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Eleanor's POV

      He turned and hugged me tight to his body. All I could do was return his hug and softly rub his back as he held me. Since he's a vampire he can't even cry to help release the anguish he must be holding in, I feel sorry for him. I know he and Alice loved each other at some point in their lives but now they've both found the person they were meant to be with. I know he loves me and I know it's meant to be but I'm afraid to admit it, to myself, to him and even to our family but most of all I'm afraid to hurt Mike. He's moved here just for me, in a few days we'd be sharing a house.

     I couldn't do that to him, he means too much. I finish off my though as my name is being called. Snapped out of my trance I hear Jaspers voice.

     "Elle are you okay?" He looks at me with a worried look on his face.

      I shrug off his worries and speak. "How are you feeling Jazz? I mean where will you stay? What's going to happen to you?" My questions come quick an fast.

     "Calm down, she and her new mate Noah will take over the house while I stay here in the main house. Eleanor this isn't the first time he's come around, it's been in the works for longer than you knew about." His eyes are looking down as he speaks softly to me.

     "But I thought she was your mate? The love of your eternal life? Are you just going to give up so easily?" My voice gets louder with each question.

     Mike is standing in the door frame watching between Jasper and I. He wanted to make sure that I'm safe and things are okay. I calm down a bit when I realize it's him at the door.

      I turn and speak to him. "It's okay Mike, everything is fine. Go relax in my room, I'll join you soon." My eyes are still connected to Jasper's honey colored eye's.

     Mike huffs and walks off into the direction towards my room.

     "God I hate him." Jasper huffs under his breath.

     "Look you have no right to say anything bad about Mike, he's done nothing to you." I reply.

     "He's taken you away from me!" His voice is loud as he grips tightly onto my arms.

     Edward and Mike both rushed into the room, Edward had pulled Jasper off of me while Mike had me tight in his arms.

     "Calm down Jasper." Edward whispered to Jasper, trying to get him to snap back to reality.

      "What's your problem bloodsucker?" Mike spat out towards Jasper.

      I removed myself from Mike's arms and walked towards the door. Our the corner of my eye Jasper had attempted to lunge at Mike because of his comment.

     "Michael shut up and leave him alone." I snap.

      "Look he was trying to hurt you, did you want that to happen?" Mike said to me as we walked downstairs.

     "No I didn't because he wasn't going to hurt me. You didn't have to be rude with him." I snap back at him.

     "I didn't mean it like that Bubs, you know that." His voice softened.

     "Bullshit Mike, or else you wouldn't have said it." I roll my eyes and continued walking downstairs.

     He tried to follow me downstairs but instead I turned on my heels, gave him a dirty look and pointed to back upstairs. He huffed and went back up towards Jasper's room. I continued downstairs then outside onto the deck to relax and clear my head. I instinctively rubbed my arms where Jasper had grabbed me. He's never grabbed me like that before. I wasn't really afraid but I wasn't exactly happy about the situation.

     "Ellie, please. He really didn't mean to hurt you. He'd like for you to come back and speak with him." Edward's voice spoke softly.

     "I'm done talking. Did Mike apologize?" I reply.

     "No, he stood there and just watched Jasper and I talk." He finished off before he turned around and left.

     I sigh and go back inside, grab a water from the fridge then I headed upstairs. As I'm walking up the stairs I run into Nick. Alice's new mate. I look up, his eyes are a mucky brown. He's just starting to transition from a newborn into a vegetarian like us. His bright ginger hair bounces off of his pale skin. He smiles at me, he looks to have sharpened teeth. Strange.

     "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you. Look I know you probably don't like me and I don't blame you, but I really do hope to get along with you. Alice does care for you, and she really cared for Jasper but things changed." His voice is deep and strong with a slight Cajun accent.

     In all honesty he was right but I just wasn't sure if I cared for him too much. So instead I put on a fake smile. "I understand, things happen but only time heals all wounds." I proceed to go upstairs, my shoulder hits his gently bumping him out of my way.

     What the hell is going on in this house? So many things have happened and honestly it's been stressful to be back. I pass Jaspers room without even looking at him. I know he's looking at me, I can feel his gaze but all I want is to chill out in my room.

    I hit my room and see Mike asleep on my bed. There goes my alone time that I wanted. Instead I go to my parents room looking for my Dad.

    "Hey Dad, I was wondering if I can borrow your Jeep? I wanted to take a drive to clear my head." I say with a soft smile.

    "Sure kiddo just make sure to be safe, keys are downstairs." Emmett smiles and waves me a way, his eyes keep contact with the football game he's watching.

    So I make my way back downstairs and grab the keys and head out the back door, thankful that I didn't run into anyone. I get in the boxy Jeep, start it up and turn the radio up loudly. A rap song full of base comes through the speakers. I smile before I speed off onto the main road. Even though I'm a Cullen and a vampire hybrid, I was always allowed on the Res. I go over to visit Billy then ask if I can borrow a dirt bike. They're Jake's so he won't mind plus it's not like Jake uses them anymore since he's wrapped up in Ness.

    The ringing of my phone catches my attention. I look down and it's Edward, confused I answer it to see what he has to say.

    "Don't." His voice is serious.

    "Excuse me?" My ton is sharp.

    "Don't go to Billy's. Come home now." He voice is stern. Ha! Like he can intimidate me.

    " Who do you think you are reading my mind telling me where to go." I snap back.

    "Alice had a vision..." His voice trails off, no longer serious or stern.

    "So? What do I care?" I soften my voice.

    "Look Alice had a vision and she told me about it then told me I needed to call you and make sure you come home. It's about Billy." He replies.

    "What about him? Is he okay?" I ask.

     "He's fine it's just that ever since Jake imprinted on Nessie they don't get along and when he sees you things might not go to well." His voice quiets.

    "Fine but those two need to work things out." I huff and hang the phone up before he can get another word in.

So with that I find a place to turn around and I head back to the house. Great, just were I wanted to be.

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