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I really like this song, and it's perfect for the mood, especially with Zoom's part. IT'S SO SAD! It's called, Sad Song, (Not sure who it's by) and I found this particular video on Wolfie Girl's channel on Youtube. It just goes with the story, and it basically tells the whole story of where Zoom loses someone, and doesn't feel the same. I love it so MUCH!

--------------------------------------------------------(???'s POV)----------------------------------------------------------

It's so cold. I can't feel a thing at all. I've been walking for days now, and my wounds are only getting worse. This battle zone, made of ice and the most dangerous one out there. Would they be able to come here? To find me? I shook those thoughts out of my head. I was dead to them. They all watched me die. They would never come looking for me. I wrapped my cloak tighter around me. It's been months since I last saw them, of course they would all think I was gone. I pretty much am. A few more days without food, or water, or bandages for my deep wounds, and I will be. I used up the last of my water long ago, and haven't found any food. If I can get to the portal site, I can get to a different battle zone. One that I knew how to survive in. 

I moved my bloody left hand so it was out in front of me. This ice zones battle key lay in it. There are thousands of miles in this battle zone, and only one place will lead me home. Home. Earth. I can hardly remember it now. The sun beating down. The joy and happiness with my friends around. Now I was just cold and empty.

I tripped over something, losing the battle key, and turning the snow around me crimson red. I reached out my hand, it shaking from my physical state. I managed to snag it through my freezing fingers. I slowly sat up, the wind blowing snow all around me. I looked back at what I had tripped over. It was a black shape. I crawled over it, before brushing off the snow. It was a black helmet. My helmet. I knew because of the dent on the side, and the hole in my visor.

I looked down at it, before turning it around and putting it on my throbbing head. I knew that I was getting blood everywhere, but right now that didn't matter. There was little to no power left in it, and all it showed was the date. August 13th. His birthday. I closed my eyes, trying to stop the tears before they came. I couldn't be there for him now. I couldn't imagine what he was going through. I had to stop these tears of sadness before they roll down my bruised cheeks, causing more pain... and more tears. I tried to stand, knowing that the world around me would only get worse and worse. But my legs gave out, and I collapsed to the crimson snow. Crimson. Just like that old Sentients prophecy. The prophecy of the Crimson One. It must have been completed by now. The few months that I was away. Balance must have been restored to the multiverse.

I reached my hand down to my pocket, and pulled out a second and a third battle key. They wanted me to keep them, because they were the only things that they thought I would need. I knew what I could do, learning from those old data logs, but I couldn't do it out here. It would take strength. Strength that I do not have. I pulled myself to my feet, trudging along in the almost knee deep snow, holding the battle keys close. I looked down at the snow, before walking into a long shadow. I slowly looked up. I was standing before a large ice mountain, with a cave at the base. I used most of my remaining strength to walk into it, and sit in a comfortable position on the ground. It looked as though someone had lived here once. The ground was charred inside a circle of rocks, and there were crates and blankets lying on the floor. I didn't want to know what happened to them though. 

I slowly crawled along the floor, and over to the crates. I had to use all of my willpower to not let out a scream as I used my shoulder to shove off the top. I didn't want an avalanche trapping me in here. I looked inside, exhaustion finally hitting me. There was a piece of flint, with steel lying next to it. I reached out with my shaky hands, and picked them up. I moved over to the charred piece of ground, holding the two pieces in front of me. I struck them together a few times, then realized that I needed something to light. I crawled back to the box, and pulled out a few log pieces. I placed them in what I thought looked right, and struck the two pieces together. A spark showed up, catching onto the wood, and lighting up the cave. I set the flint and steel down, before holding my hands out in front of me to the fire. 

Fractured (A Battle Force 5 Fanfiction.) (Book 2 to Broken Battle)Where stories live. Discover now