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"You are not stepping out of this fucking house until I am on my death bed..." Keira growled as she marched downstairs.

"You can't keep me here! Rainey will notice I'm gone!" Mira sniffed.

"She already did! And I got rid of her real fast. Forget about her. WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND I'M TRYING TO PROTECT YOU!" Keira snapped as she grabbed her by both cheeks "Now do you understand why I don't want you near any lesbians!?"

"But Rainey is different!"



Rainey went straight to Lucy's house and told her everything she went through that night.

"Mira....can't be a murderer...I refuse to believe it!" Rainey sniffled, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Darling, I'm so sorry...Their whole family is just..well...twisted" Lucy sighed and hugged her "It's a pattern. Their mother was a murderer, Keira...well I don't know about her, but we do know she is abusive and crazy. Mira, I guess, just caught it".

"I don't know what to do, I'm just so shocked. How can my sweet little Mira kill someone in cold blood? It just doesn't add up" Rainey sighed.

"You need to let go of her hunny, she's no good"

"I guess".

"I know you'll miss her..."

"Like a baby misses their blanket"

"I'm sorry" Lucy hugged her tightly "Its okay to cry and hey - If it makes you feel any better, I know an awesome gay club we can go to, maybe you'll meet someone new in there?"


"Next week?"

"More like next month..."

"Whenever you're ready" Lucy smiled.

A week passed and Rainey had been keeping down and quiet, she had only been skating once and only briefly to the shop and back. Mira was still trapped down in the basement. Keira was only letting her upstairs for one meal a day and a shower, Mira had began to stir crazy with the lack of company.

The time was 2pm and Keira headed downstairs and quietly uncuffed her. "Shower time" she said and grabbed her arm and pulled her upstairs into the bathroom. As soon as she was done and had cleaned her teeth, keira pulled her into the bedroom and sat her down at the mirror.

"What are you doing?" Mira asked timidly.

"Shut up and stay still' Keira groaned, she spent an hour working on her until her hair was perfectly bouncy and her makeup and outfit was complete. "Now let's go, you have a date"

"A what?" Mira's face turned pale.

"A date. You're getting an arranged marriage so I'm gonna be kind enough to atleast let you meet him first"

"Him!? But I'm lesbian!"

Keira swiftly punched her "Say that again...."

Mira looked quietly.


"No, I'm sorry!" Mira choked back a tear.

"Good. Once you see the greatness of a good man in your life, you're going to forget this little lesbian phase you're having" Keira smiled and led her out to the car and they drove to a restaurant in silence "Table 12. I'm watching" Keira growled quietly as they both got out. Keira was dressed up too, in a short red dress and makeup. Similar to Mira who was wearing blue.

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