Chapter 1: Home In His Hands

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There was a large yet traditional estate in the city filled with all sorts of useful amenities. There was an archery range, a traditional garden, many buildings occupying the members within, and the main house, so large it could rival a mansion. It was one story, having the look of more of a Japanese lord's palace, but it was vast and in middle lay a room dedicated to those that ruled over the estate.

A man with dark brown hair and almost golden like-eyes sat on one of the throne-like seats, sitting alongside his wife. The woman had a cute demeanor and was quite short compared to her husband, but her long and flowing orange hair, accentuated by the green hairpin she wore in her hair gave her an air of authority. Though she smiled peacefully, the men in the room respected her the most, knowing she could flip them around and pin them without much effort on her part. The two wore traditional kimonos, intricately designed and embroidered, so much so that it must have cost thousands to have custom made.

The two smiled down at their son who gave them a brief report of what had been happening for the past two weeks, a bi-monthly tradition of theirs. The boy possessed short yet dark brown hair that made his golden eyes almost glow beautifully, accentuated by the black and white kimono he wore. His form was enough to intimidate any person in the room, built and powerful. The male was then given a small chuckle from his mother, the woman waving dismissively.

"Oh, it's nothing, honey," she giggled, earning a smile from her husband, "I think that's enough for today. Why don't you go and see what that little dove is up to? Yusei's with her in the garden right now."

The male's expression lit up and he gave a soft smile, his cheers flaring up just slightly, enough to be seen by only his mother, who had an eye for the thing. She giggled again and then waved the boy off, who rushed off without another word, shoving the papers he'd been reading into one of the bodyguard's arms. As he ran through the estate, the soft tatami mats ensured he wouldn't hurt his feet, and he began to run even faster, earning a few taunts from his underlings. Though younger than them, he still possessed great power over them, making him stick out his tongue for their snark comments about his feelings.

As the brunette rushed out of the house and slipped on his outdoor sandals, he then rushed to the garden, finding a younger black-haired male pointing at the carp pond. He was greatly enjoying telling the girl gazing into it about the fishs' names and their favorite foods. It didn't matter all the same, but he took pride in it, holding an air of rare confidence shown in his body language.

The (h/c) haired girl that gazed into the small pond pulled a piece of bread apart, throwing it into the pond for the slimy fish to feast on. They reached the surface, their small heads bobbing as they attempted to grab a piece of the substance for themselves. Some of them even splashed around in the water, but eventually, it had all been eaten by the creatures, leaving not a trace left.

Without hesitation, the brunette threw his arms around the girl, smiling so happily, it was a crime. The boy hugged her smaller form, letting out a relieved sigh while ruffling the black-haired male's head as if to say "thanks". Though it may have been odd, he hadn't wanted the girl to so much as leave his sight. Otherwise, he would become greatly stressed and would constantly worry about her leaving him. Yet she remained, being constantly watched by the multitude of yakuza members surrounding her.

"I missed you," the brunette said quietly, leaning down to kiss her, "How was it fish watching?"

He received no reply. The girl only turned her head away, her (e/c) eyes narrowing angrily as the brunette frowned at her response. True, she had followed the rules that he had set for her, but she wasn't happy about it and made sure to convey that to him whenever she could. It'd been a few days since he'd heard her voice, but he allowed it up until that point. He'd had a hard and long day and he wasn't too keen on putting up with her.

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