Chapter 29: Dark Horse

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Asuka, though she tried, was hardly able to convince (Y/n) into joining her in exercise, the younger girl being far less fit than her. Thus, when the (h/c) haired girl professed she would die if she took another step, the older female gave a large and hearty laugh and let the girl collapse on the ground. They were at different levels when it came to that sort of thing, but it wasn't an issue when it came to getting along. The two were almost inseparable, at least for the time being.

Though the gym wasn't the best place for the two to spend quality time together, as they moved through the halls, they were able to talk about different things that caught their eyes. It was an endless pit of conversation, but they didn't seem to mind it. From the others around them to the rooms that lined the wall of the estate, Asuka shared all of her information, telling the younger girl whatever she wanted to know.

"I wouldn't take anything these guys say to heart around here. They're just big bullies, really," the orange-haired girl chuckled, "They like to make up rumors to take their attention off their worries. They haven't targetted you, have they?"

"Well, apparently, word's getting around I haven't slept with anyone," (Y/n) said, watching over others as they watched over her, "Some guy told me it was dangerous that people knew that."

"He'd be right," Asuka sighed, "The guys here target girls like that. It's a prize for them, but if they see someone like me, they'll back off. They know who not to mess with."

It wasn't any secret that the people in the estate, the people in the Gensai Group, weren't the most civilized, so it wasn't far-fetched to believe they were such creeps. That being said, (Y/n) wasn't one to lie down and take it. Should they try and harm her or take something she wasn't willing to give, she wouldn't let them off the hook and she was willing to bet Asuka wouldn't either.

The two still furthered themselves down the halls of the estate, picking more topics to talk about. Yet it still seemed the previous conversation lodged itself in (Y/n)'s mind. It frightened her to think that she was warned about such a topic by another in the Gensai Group. In fact, it was unnerving. Still, it seemed that the girls of the estate, at least those in Sora's harem, were avoiding her.

The strange looks she got from the girls, especially the lower-ranked ones, and the sneers she got from the higher-ranked girls were almost unbearable. It was almost like they were tearing her down. Had she done something wrong? The (h/c) haired girl truly didn't know and it unnerved her greatly. It seemed there was more than one rumor about her flying around the estate, and it would only serve to hurt her in the future. At least, so she speculated.

As the two girls turned the corner of the hallway, they came face to face with a boy (Y/n) only vaguely remembered. She recalled his dark orange hair and stunning yellow eyes. They were vibrant, but they seemed to be pleading as they stared at Asuka albeit joyous. He had a fair stature, but didn't appear to be as muscular as many of the others the younger girl saw around the estate. She didn't know if he was different than the others she saw, but he certainly looked like he thought so. His confidence seemed to rival Sora's.

"Asuka!" the older male cheered, throwing his arms around the orange-haired girl and nuzzling her, "It's been too long! I've missed you."

The older female gave a sneer at the boy before her and pushed him away with her foot as if he was some kind of trash she didn't want to touch. The male didn't seem to believe he was trash, believing himself worthy of being near the girl. Clearly, their thoughts on the other differed immensely, as well as their thoughts of themselves. (Y/n) seemed to be a third wheel in this situation, making it incredibly awkward for her.

"Don't push me away," the male whined, "Why have you been avoiding me? Even your little bitch boy wouldn't tell me where you were when I asked him!"

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