Chapter 50: Gettin' To Know Ya

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(Y/n) couldn't process what had happened. The orange-haired girl's lips were on hers, interlocking them in a sweet and chaste kiss. Surprisingly, the younger female didn't pull away. The kiss she was given was filled with love and affection, but also fear and shock. She didn't need to be told it was a thing of utter relief from the older girl. It wasn't forced, it was consensual.

At some point, the (h/c) haired girl leaned into the kiss as Asuka placed her hand on her cheek. They stayed together for a long time, embracing one another with sweet intention, supporting the other, and conveying their affection for the other with great attention to their wants or needs. It seemed they were in sync with displaying their love, but when they pulled away from one another, they gave soft looks as if they regretted what they had done.

Of course, it wasn't that simple. Asuka didn't regret the kiss itself, but she felt like she had pushed the kiss onto the younger girl, making her fear she had scared her. On the other hand, (Y/n) felt as if she was abandoning her dwelling feelings for Yamato, but she would have done it again, given the chance. The orange-haired girl was a soothing soul, one that could give comfort to one that needs it the most or confident to one who lacks it.

"I didn't," the older girl paused, "I didn't upset you, did I?"

"No, of course not. I was just a little shocked is all. Um, what does this mean?"

Asuka gave a conflicted look before hugging the younger girl again and giving a sigh as if preparing herself for something. At the same time, she let the girl have the ability to rest her head on her shoulder, stroking her hair delicately. It gave the two time to enjoy the other's company, a strangely relaxing feeling after the younger girl had almost drowned. At the same time, the sun began to set over the horizon, the moon and stars beginning to come out after the sun dazzled with brilliant colors.

"I love you," Asuka admitted, holding the (h/c) haired girl tighter to herself, "You're very precious to me. If you died, I wouldn't be able to go on. I just can't. You make life exciting. I didn't mean to press you into this, but I was just so relieved you were alive."

"No, I understand," the younger girl grinned, "It was...a welcome surprise, I'd say. I should consider myself lucky. You're a real catch."

"You're such a tease," the older girl chuckled, lightly elbowing the girl, "Well, I'm relieved. I thought you'd be upset. So, am I good kisser?"

"The best I've known."

The two embraced one another again and began gigging. It seemed they were at peace with the idea of loving the other, but (Y/n)'s feelings for Yamato still remained. He wouldn't be so hard to clear from her mind. And if that wasn't difficult enough, Sora was beginning to make his way into her heart. It seemed she was beginning to get conflicted with her feelings for the others, not being able to choose between them at the current moment.

Not too long after, Sora had rushed down to join them, almost tackling the younger girl to the ground in relief. He held her in his arms, taking her from Asuka who began to pout heavily, jealous of the ravenette for having the (h/c) haired girl to himself. The ravenette was just about as terrified as Asuka had been, more horrified of losing the younger girl than anything else, especially losing her to the ocean.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, girly," the older male sighed, burying his hand in her hair, "You fucking scared me to death. What's wrong with you?!"

"I wasn't trying to die," (Y/n) giggled, earning a smirk from the ravenette.

"Good. I still need ya, doll. I think I'll take you for a bit. You promised me some time, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah."

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