Chapter 11: Ranking Day

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As (Y/n) looked over, two beautiful girls entered the bath, their hair flowing behind them as the other girls in the bath looked down into the water as if they were ashamed or something. One of them was the one the (h/c) haired girl had seen earlier with Sora, her white hair and purple eyes standing out. The one beside her possessed short blonde hair and orange eyes with a fragile-looking body. They seemed to be conversing happily, but there was something behind their words that seemed fake.

But the reason that everyone had gone silent and began to look down was because the most gorgeous girl (Y/n) had ever seen entered the bath, holding a towel over her busty figure as her navy hair flowed to her waist, her black eyes scanning over her environment. She seemed displeased, scowling as she entered the water, looking as if she resisted the urge to throw up. Entering the bath, she gave a scowl to Asuka who only smirked and stuck out her tongue as she splashed water towards (Y/n), intending to play again.

"Miyuki! Play with me!" she sang, swimming around with great joy, "You're the only one that will! C'mon, c'mon!"

The (h/c) haired girl couldn't resist the opportunity to join the orange-haired female, beginning to splash and swim around the bath. The two squealed in delight, enjoying the strange game of chase they were playing. The other girls around them still looked down, their postures becoming more closed off as if they were scared or intimidated. (Y/n) took notice of this, figuring it had to be the three girls that had come in that changed their attitudes. Then Asuka got the bright idea to splash the navy-haired girl, making her tense up and emit a low growl, wiping the water from off of her brow.

"Freak," the navy haired girl spat.

"Oh, I've heard you say worse in your sleep, fuckface," Asuka said, taking pleasure out of the expression that came from the other female, "Why are you here, anyway? Thought you were good to bathe with the rest of us."

"If you have to know," the other female said in a low and irked voice, "My bathroom is being renovated."

"And you didn't ask Sora if you could borrow his?" Asuka continued to mock.

The navy haired girl looked away, crossing her arms, and refused to say anything. As such, the orange-haired girl gave a frown, seeing her fun was ruined, and swam backward to bump into (Y/n) playfully. At this, she smiled and put her hands on her hips, leaning over to the (h/c) haired girl's ear to whisper loud enough for a few other girls to hear.

"I bet it's because he thought she was too dirty to use his bath."

A few girls snickered, unable to hold it, and (Y/n) tilted her head, looking over to see the navy haired girl blush in embarrassment and then give another growl. The other two beautiful girls beside her looked at one another in a fake concern, and fought back smirks themselves as she continued to be ridiculed by none other than Asuka, now not whispering anymore. Instead, she was openly speaking to everyone in the bath.

"Guess someone's dropped from the rankings," she said, clicking her tongue in disappointment, "And here I thought you were Sora's favorite, Seraphina. Guess he finally got tired of your kiss-ass compliments. About time, too."

"I swear, just because you've known him longer doesn't mean you get to mock everyone else!" Seraphina snapped, breathing heavily after she shouted.

The other girls went silent, putting their hands over their mouths as the drama unfolded before them. They didn't want any part of it, so they stayed out of it, hoping not to be involved against their wishes. (Y/n) did much the same thing since she didn't know the mechanics of the estate yet. If she were to get involved, she might have risked gaining an enemy in someone with power there. Asuka's smile dropped and she put her hands on her hips in an intimidating fashion.

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