Chapter 25: Gratitude

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The next day, after (Y/n) and Enmei had stayed up quite late talking nonstop with one another, she came to the conclusion that he wouldn't turn out like Yamato. He was far too timid and nonthreatening. As they met together in the dining hall, they began to talk and laugh with each other again, over a nice breakfast. This was where (Y/n) saw the ranking system start to take place.

Before, when she was given the small and uneventful, crowded room, she had the same food Enmei did. Yet, as her rank improved significantly, she was given expensive and luxurious food, and as much of it as she wanted. Of course, she didn't leave the grey-haired boy out of it, insisting he have some of her meal. While he shyly declined the offer, she insisted, and he finally accepted, small pink coating his features.

"Hey, hey!" Asuka said, joining the party with a wide beam on her face, "How are we doing today, little ducklings?"

"We're getting along," (Y/n) answered, drinking some delectable apple juice, "We were talking all day long yesterday."

"Yay! That's great!" the orange-haired girl said, clapping excitedly, "I'd be pretty sad if you guys were still wary of one another. After all, you're my precious little ducklings, and it's my job to protect you both!"

Asuka began to eat her breakfast, but she didn't seem to be eating as much as she typically did. Even though she had a lively appearance, the look behind her eyes said much differently. There was something that she was hiding, but that was no surprise. It seemed that everyone the (h/c) haired girl ran into held their own that eluded her keen eye. Still, it wasn't her place to ask, especially when the orange-haired girl was trying so hard to hide it.

The atmosphere was as crowded as ever in the dining hall, fights here and there or loud arguments between multiple members. It certainly was never dull there, but, at times, it could be quite irritating. This was especially true when the orange-haired girl had been up all night, trying to log the information in different files, but still, she kept a smile on. That was all she could do at that point.

After breakfast finished, the two girls followed Enmei as he went about grabbing Toma's breakfast. It seemed that as soon as he stepped outside, where Toma's favorite place to be was, he was given some strange kind of affection. The large cat rushed towards the grey-haired boy and sat down, swishing his tail as he looked at his food dish filled with what he hoped was his favorite kind of meats.

As Enmei gave the food dish to Toma, he didn't seem to care about anything else but eating, ignoring everyone else's presence. The animal didn't seem bothered by Asuka's attempts to annoy it, only swishing its tail in slight irritation, but not snapping. And when he finished with his breakfast, he began to bat the bowl around, trying to get Enmei to give him more. When the grey-haired boy didn't seem intent on doing so, he began to growl and hiss, looking as though he would pounce at any moment.

Yet, suddenly, the tiger adopted a playful attitude, its tail beginning to swish with joy as it began trotting around excitedly. The reason for this could only have been because Sora was approaching, a smile on his face as he saw the joy his pet expressed at seeing him. As the ravenette stepped outside and sat down on the grass, Toma pressed his head into the male's chest and gave a low growl like he was asking to play. However, Sora turned his attention to the (h/c) haired girl with a wide smirk.

"Been lookin' for ya," he chuckled, rubbing Toma's head affectionately, "Turns out you had a pretty smart idea. It was enough to shut the old farts up. So...gotta thank ya."

The male let his smirk widen and he extended his hand to the girl. When he grew weary of waiting for her to take it, he grabbed gently onto her wrist and tugged her into his lap. Though she was uncomfortable at first, he let her adjust so that she was more relaxed in his grasp, and he laid down to rest on Toma. The tiger wasn't at all pleased he was having to stay in the presence of the unfamiliar girl, but he let it slide if Sora found her presence tolerable.

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