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Liam's POV

Okay, now I am pissed.

I wake and go to school early today hoping to catch up with Blue before first period.

Luckily for me, I see her by my locker right when I walked.

I walk towards her locker.

Blue turns when she notices someone behind her.

Hi Liam'', Blue said trying to act like everything was okay.

'' Why did you leave ?'' I asked demanding.

" There..is..an..explanation '' she stutters.

'' Go ahead, humor me'', he says coolly yet threatening.

Blue sighs in relief as the bell rang, using this opportunity to escape from the situation.

" I have to go to class, we can talk later '', she says while fleeing away.

I realized Blue has been avoiding me the entire day so, I decided to find a way to catch her off guard.

I spot her friend Olive beside her car with her phone in her hands, texting.

" You are Blue's friend, right? " I asked when I reach her.

" Who is asking?" she replies sassily as she shifts her attention away from her phone.

" Ugh it's you, what do you need? ", she questions while rolling her eyes.

I knew exactly who she was, Olive Brown.

We used to be best friends in elementary school. It was always Olive, and I, but things changed when we got to middle school. 

I started hanging out with some girls who used to pick on her.

Olive was not happy when she found out, so she stopped talking to me. 

She never told me those girls used to bully her, it was later that I found out, but it was too late, Olive had already moved on and got new friends.

" Hi Liv, how have you been? ", I ask trying to be nice.

" What do you care? We are not friends Liam" she says.

I never planned to talk to Olive, but it was part of the plan to get Blue.

The boys were on the lookout for her, as I try to get to know about Blue's whereabouts from Olive but that was not going well.

" I do not know what you want from Blue but stay away from her'' Olive says feisty.

Right when I was about to defend myself, I heard Andy's voice.

'' Hey Blue," Andy says with an overconfident grin on his face.

As he and Asher block her way with their body.

Good at least the plan was successful.

" Well, Blue, you have no chance at escaping this time'', I say strolling towards her.

I start to pull her towards my car as I reached her.

'' OLLIE SAVE ME'', Blue shouts trying to get her friends attention, but I notice Olive staring at Asher while blushing.

Did Olive like Asher? I chuckle in my head.

Who saw this coming?

I take Blue to my condo since my parents were going to be home early today.

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