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Blue's POV

" Who was that?'', Liam asks indignantly.

" What are you doing here?", I question.

" I asked you a question", he speaks while glaring at me.

" I don't need to tell you about my whereabouts, you are not my father", I reply walking past him.

I am not in the mood to argue with him, and I don't want to ever talk to him after what happened today.

" Don't walk away from me, Blue," he says while grabbing my arm, forcing me to stop. 

" What do you want from me? You called me a hoe after stealing my first kiss. What did you expect? I would forgive you after a couple of hours. I will never forgive you Liam," I say nearly yelling.

Liam seemed shocked by my sudden outburst. 

" I am sorry," he whispers and walks back to his car without looking back.

Was I that rude?

I thought confused, I did not expect Liam to walk away.

Some part of me wishes he did not, but it was for the best. He hurt me with his words.

The rest of the week went by without any interaction from Liam, I could not help but notice he has been avoiding me and skipping school a lot.

Should I apologize?

I told Ollie all that happened and she said its best if we keep ignoring each other, I think she's right.

I moved in to live with Ollie and her mom after what happened with my parents, I could never go back. They would kill me.


I walk into my house, praying none of my parents were home. I go into my bedroom and start packing my clothes and belongings.

I decided to take Ollie's offer and stay with her after taking it into a lot of consideration and made her drive me here.

" What do you think you are doing?", I heard someone ask from behind.

I turn my head to see my mother standing at my door with her hands on her hips.

" I am leaving", I try to sound confident, even though I was scared.

" You don't have any friends or anyone to stay with, so where are you going to? you are going to live with that boy right?", she asks.

I knew she was talking about Liam, but I decided to play dumb.

" What boy?", I ask, not taking my eyes off what I was doing.

" If you are running away, be quick before your father gets home, because he's probably going to kill you after your little stunt'', she says and walks away.

I walk down the stairs to see my mom in the kitchen, doing God knows what.

"I am leaving". I say while reaching for the door, ready to leave.

" Wait", I heard my mother call from behind.

" Be careful and I'm glad you are leaving, and I am really sorry for everything." She says while wiping her tears.

I stood there with my mouth open. What has come over her? 

I just nod and leave, not knowing exactly what to say.

I step out with my belongings and put on a fake smile when I see Ollie waving excited at me. I was not ready to tell her about what had just happened, because I was still trying to process it myself.

End of flashback. 

I see Ollie waving her hands in front of my face, trying to get my attention as we sat at our lunch table. I snapped out of my thoughts and give her my attention.

She continues talking about Asher, Liam's best friend. She has a crush on her, since when they cornered me at the car park, and she has been talking about him nonstop.

I always start to think about Liam whenever she talks about Asher.

There were days I wanted to go and apologize to him, but my pride will not allow me, and there were days I was glad we decided to ignore each other.

Recently, I heard from some gossips in the girl's bathroom, he was dating Megan Myers, the sweetheart of the school.

 I could not help but feel a little pang in my heart whenever I think about it, but I brush it off quickly. 

I do not like Liam Dash and I never will, I keep reminding myself. 

I decided to stop by my locker before my next class, and I wish I did not.

I see Liam and Megan furiously making out on my locker.

Are they serious?. My locker out of all lockers.

I clear my throat as I watch them break apart, I could not help but feel upset, he was kissing me just last week and now he is kissing another girl.

I should have known.

Liam glances at me without any regret or remorse in his eyes.

"Oh, I am sorry, is this your locker?", I heard Megan ask, making me I take my eyes off Liam.

" Yeah, I need to get my books for my next class. Sorry to disturb you.", I say looking anywhere but Liam's direction.

" It is fine, we should be the one apologizing", she says sweetly

. "Oh, I am Megan, and this is Liam, my boyfriend.", she adds.

My head snaps around when I heard her say Liam was her boyfriend. 

" Oh hi, I am Blue", I say trying not to show any emotions.

"Well, nice to meet you Blue.", she says while hugging me.

Wow she is as nice as people say she is. I can't even hate her.

"See you around Blue", she says as Liam drags her away. 

I did not notice, the tears rolling down my face until I heard someone ask. 

"Are you okay?''

I turn away to see a handsome boy with blonde hair and blue eyes looking at me with worry in his eyes.

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