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"Ani! I was just talking to myself," I say as I point at the closet, looking at Beomgyu. He settled himself in the closet.
Wah. He fits perfectly even though he's so tall. I quickly closed the closet door, telling him to stay quiet.

"Honey? Why is your door locked?"

"It's locked? Oh Mianhae. I didn't mean to lock it," I say as I unlocked the door.

"Are you hiding something?" she says as she walks into my room, scanning my room.

"Ani. I was just on my phone."

"Ah araso. Hmm. Are you not eating dinner?"

"Oh I ate earlier."

"Ah araso," she says as she leaves my room and walks back downstairs.

I sighed in relief shutting the door right and locking it.

I walked over to the closet and opened it. Seeing Beomgyu in the closet. I smiled. I grabbed his wrist and helped him out.

"Mianhae.." I say quietly.

"Gwenchana.." he says loudly.

Aish. His deep loud voice!
"Mmh!" I say as I furrowed my eyebrows and tiptoed and covered his mouth with both of my hands widening my eyes.

"Mianhae.." he says quietly as he moves my hands away and held onto my wrist.

"Just don't be loud.." I say quietly.

"Araso.." he says smiling.

"Is that your phone?" I asked, as I heard a bunch of notifications.

"Huh?" He says as he checks his pocket for his phone. 

"It is.." I say as he takes out his phone and looks at it.

"Aish. It's the boys.."

"The ones you sit with at school?"

"Mmh. They are going crazy. I'll just tell them that I'm at my grandmas house.."


I sat down on my bed and sighed. Then I heard a strange sound. Huh? I looked at my stomach. That's not mine. I just ate. I looked at Beomgyu, as he looked at me in embarrassment, blinking multiple times.
"Are you hungry?" I asked quietly, as I got up and looked through my desk drawer for a snack and grabbed a bag of chips and handed it to him.

"Ah ani. Gwenchana."

"Here have it. It's my last one so take it.." I say as I grabbed his hands and made him grabbed the bag of chips.

"Aish. Gomawo," he says as he opens the bag of chips sighing.

"I still can't find the sleeping bag," I say as I looked inside my closet again.

"Don't you have extra blankets?" He asks me as he sits on my desk chair.

"Uh i only have one extra blanket but it's small.." I say as I turn around and grab the small blanket.

My Secret Crush // Choi BeomgyuWhere stories live. Discover now