The bridge

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Sapphire P.O.V.

Hi I'm sapphire Athena Gonzales. Im guessing I should tell you a little about my self. Well I'm short and I have long brown hair and brown eyes. I hate my stepdad for starters, and he makes my mom ignore me and he hits me secretly. Well anyways I woke up today earlier than everyone that way I could leave before anyone noticed. I got up and got dressed in my favorite clothes. I did my hair and make up then I slipped on my shoes and jacket. I walked down stairs and left. I walked to my favorite place. The bridge. I was gonna end my life today. No one would miss me anyways I get bullied so bad and I can't handle it. My mom doesn't even notice me anymore, just my sister. My dad left when we were kids and I'm 17 well 18 today because my birthday is today. I looked and noticed I was at the bridge so I walked over to the side and climbed over the rail and held on to it while I looked down at the river below. I started to cry and was about to let go. "Don't do it." A male voice said calmly. I looked next to me and seen max green from escape the fate standing next to me. "G-get back. You'll get hurt if you fall.....get off before you get hurt or slip. "I said. "Why? Your on it...why can't I be." He said. "B-because you have something to live for.. You have friends, people who care, and your fans.." I said. "You do have someone who cares for have me. Now let's get off this rail." He said and stepped back over the rail and held out his hand. I stood there debating for a second then I reached for his hand and I slipped. I gripped the rail and screamed. Max held onto me with his dear life. "Craig.!!!monte.!! Some one get out here.!" He yelled. A few moments later Craig came running out. "What's going on?" He said then looked at me and rushed to max. "Hold on to me..I'm going to climb back over the rail and I'm going to help her up." Max said. Craig nodded and held onto max. "Give me your hand." He said. I tried to reach my hand out and he grabbed it and helped me up quickly. He pulled me up and picked me up and set me over the rail and climbed over. He hugged me. "God you scared the shit out of me." He said. "Do you know eachother?" Craig said. "No. While you guys were in the back lounge of the bus I was looking out of the window and I seen her over the rail. I told the driver to stop and I got off and walked over to her and then this happened." Max said. "Ok well let's get back you need a ride to where ever?" Craig asked. " no.! She isn't going back to whatever hurt her" max said. "Dude she's a kid..look she's like 16 or 17" Craig said. "18" I said. "My birthday is today." I said lowly. "Well then She is above age.! We shall celebrate her birthday." Max said and smiled still holding onto me. He let go and grabbed my hand and we started to walk to their bus. "So..if you don't mind why did you try to do it? I mean your beautiful and you look like you have a good life." Craig said. Did Craig mabbitt just call me beautiful.? "Well it's pretty stupid now that I think about it." I said. "Bullshit. It hurt you that bad that you wanted to end your life." Max said. "I was mom didn't even care about anyone except my sister. My dad left when I was a kid and my stepdad..oh god how I hate him.." I said. Craig looked at me then stopped and hugged me. "Yeah you definitely aren't going back." He said. We let go and then we got on the bus. "Hey guys what was goi-" monte started but looked at me. "Who's this?" He asked. Max smiled. "Sapphire." I said. Max blushed. "Sorry I forgot to ask your name." Max whispered. "Well how did you guys meet and what are you doing here? Not being rude just curious." Robert said. "I was gonna commit suicide and max and Craig saved me." I said. Robert and monte came and hugged me. "If you ever need to talk we are here. All of us. Here is our numbers." Monte said and took my phone and put his number in then he passed it to Robert then Craig and then max. Max gave my phone back. "Ok where do you need to go?" Robert asked. "She's staying." Max said while Craig nodded in agreement. "What? Dude we can't kidnap a kid." Monte said. "She is 18 for starters and we aren't kidnapping her she agreed. Sorta..." Craig said. I smiled. "Hey.! She smiled." Max said and hugged me. "Well she doesn't even have any of her belongings so should we go get them?" Robert asked. "Yeah, where do you live?" Craig asked. "5624 grand view lane." I said. They nodded and told the driver. We started to move and max told me to sit. "So...what music are you into.?" Robert asked. "I uh I like your band for one and for two lots of music. It helped me for awhile but it wasn't enough...I was so alone." I said. Max put his arm around me and smiled. "Your not alone have us." He said. I smiled. "Thank you.." I said. They smiled. "So we are actually on warped at the moment so would you like to join us for tour.?" Monte asked. I nodded. "If you want me to.." I said. They nodded. We got to my house and my moms car was gone along with my sisters. "I'll be back." I said. Max walked out with me and sat against the bus and smoked a cigarette. I walked up to my house and walked in. I closed the door quietly and slowly walked past my stepdad who was watching tv. I was almost up the stairs unnoticed when he cleared his throat. I stopped and turned around. "Yes?" I asked. "Where were you this morning?" He asked. "I went to help the lady across the street.." I said. He nodded. "Good. We need a good reputation for this family....your lucky bitch." He spat and walked away. I sighed and walked to my room. I started to put all my clothes in my big duffle bag. I finished and found my purse and put my important belongings and my hygiene products inside it. I finished and walked over to my room and opened my window. I threw my duffle bag to the ground and I crawled out of my window. I closed my window and I looked down to see max standing there. "What are you doing?" I asked with a smile. He smiled back. "I'm gonna catch you..duh.!" He said. I scoffed. "I'm to fat." I said. He scoffed. "No way.! Your tiny. Just jump." He said. I sighed then I closed my eyes and jumped. I felt two arms wrap around me then I opened my eyes to find max under me. " I told you." I said trying to get up. He smiled. "I actually tripped when I caught you. Besides...I enjoy this position." He said and winked while messing with his snakebites. I smirked. "In your dreams green." I said and got up. He pouted and I picked up my bag and purse and we walked back to the bus quickly. We opened the door and max walked in. I was walking in when my stepdad came running out yelling. I got on the bus and closed the door and locked it. "Drive.!" Max yelled and the bus driver pulled away. Max looked out of the window and smiled. His smile was so perfect. "Like what you see saph?" Craig asked. I looked at him. "Saph?" I said. He nodded and grinned. "Your nickname." He said. I smiled. "Whatever and I was just spacing out." I said. "Sure. That's why you were staring at max with google eyes." Monte whispered from behind me. "Shut up.!" I whispered back. I looked at max and blushed. He was staring at me and playing with his lip rings. Craig whispered something in his ear and max looked away from me then flipped off Craig. "Saph come with me." Craig said. I nodded and followed him to the back lounge. "Yeah?" I asked. " don't let max lead you on.." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. He sighed. "Max has a girlfriend and her name is Lexus. He will just lead you on." He said. "I don't even like him.." I said and looked away. "Ok.." Craig said and hugged me then we walked back out to the front area. Monte smiled at me. I smiled back and sat down next to Craig. I put my head on his shoulder and started to fall asleep.

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