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Sapphire P.O.V.

"Hey, you're Sapphire." Jacky Vincent stated. I smiled and nodded as he smiled and hugged me. Why do people feel the need to hug me? The rest of Falling in Reverse did the same thing and greeted me with their names. We all piled into cars and left to lunch. We arrived at some restaurant and got out. We walked inside and some waitress seated us. We told her what we wanted to drink. She left and came back with our drinks. We gave her our order and sat there. I drank a sip of my tea when Max put his arm around my shoulder. We all talked and joked around until our food came then we ate and left. We all went back to my house and chilled until FIR had to leave along with Craig. Me and Max sat there cuddled up on the couch, watching Jeeper's Creeper's. Max jumped every so often which made me chuckle. He was squeezing me tight Everytime something scared him. I paused the movie and kissed him. He kissed back immediately and then he picked me up and carried me to my room. He laid me on my bed and climbed on top of me and started to kiss my sweetspot. I let an involuntary moan escape my lips. Max chuckled against my skin. I tugged at the him of his shirt which made him take it off Along with mine. He gazed at my chest before trailing soft kisses down my body until he reached my pants. He got them off quickly, only leaving me in a bra and underwear. He took his pants off soon after and then he undid my bra quickly and tossed it. He gazed at me, taking in the sight. As our bodies came together as one I realized there was no one else I'd rather be doing this with. Giving such a raw part of me. Showing him my vulnerable parts. I knew it and I hoped he wouldn't hurt me in anyway after this. I begged God to not let him hurt me after this...

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