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~ two weeks later~

Sapphire P.O.V.

I've lost some of my hair for the chemo and I refuse to let Max or anyone else see me. Actually, Max is currently trying to open my door. I take that back, he opened my door. How? I locked it. I put a hat on so he didn't see me balding. "Babe, stop! Your perfect and your currently fighting a battle that I know you'll make it through." Max said. I sat on my bed and he came and sat next to me. His hair was down and I was playing with it. "Your hair is so beautiful. Promise me you'll never cut it? You'll only trim it." I questioned. He kissed me passionately. "Always. Haha I thought you liked it better when it was shorter?" He asked with a smirk playing on his lips. "Well, when you start losing your hair then you'll understand where I'm coming from now." I said. He took off the hat and I covered my head. "Please give me my beanie back." I said. "No." He said. "Max, I'm serious. I'm going bald and if you see it you'll leave me for a girl who has all of her hair and is beautiful and not pale and dying." I said with my voice cracking. "Never. I could never leave you and you're beautiful with or without hair." He said. I looked up at him and hugged him. We laid there just holding each other like we would be pulled apart at any second. I love Max, and I hope he loves me...which I'm sure he does...

~3 months later~

Sapphire P.O.V.

Well I'm officially bald. I just shaved my head and I started to wear a black wig. I've gotten too weak and I can't walk because of it so max pushes me in a wheel chair. I'm extremely skinny and I hate being touched and looked at for too long. I'm currently at the mall with Max and Craig and they are signing a few things and taking pictures with fans. I smiled at the sight of them. Craig looked at me and winked. I chuckled and soon I felt sleepy so I soon dozed off.


Max P.O.V.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Craig." I said and picked up Sapphire and laid her down on her bed. She doesn't want me sleeping with her so we got separate beds and put them in the same room. She woke up and smiled at me. I kissed her forehead and she laid back down and soon fell asleep. I smiled and laid on my bed and let the tears flow silently. She was dying of Cancer, blood cancer(can't spell the name)to be exact, and I can't do anything about it...I'm such a sorry excuse for a boyfriend.

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