Chapter 2: packing and the letter

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                                *Hiccup's pov*

I was busy packing my thing into a basket, when I heard my dad coming up the stairs. I quickly put my things under my bed and got into it.

Carefully I heard a door opening. My door. I pretended like I was sleeping but I've never been a good actor.

'Good you're awake.' my father says.

'Ugh, what is it dad? I'm trying to sleep.'

'Oh , was that what you were doing? Well nevermind. I wanted to give you some advice. For tomorrow, you know...'

'Uhhmm dad? I don't think that's a really good idea. Because, you know, I... I don't think I can..'

'Can't what, son?' he cut me off.

'Can't talk about it cuz you'll only make me nervous...'

'Well alright son. Then I will leave you to what ever you were doing.' he says a little hurt.

That got me thinking. 'Dad?'

'Yes, Hiccup?'

'You know I love you right?' If I'm leaving I better tell him. He'll probably won't say it to me but I know he loves me too in his own way at least. Well, I think he does.

'I... I love you too son. And I think you're mother would have been proud.' he says before closing the door.

'Wow, he did say it..' I whispered mainly to me self to try and believe the words he just said to me.

As soon as I heard my dad walking down the stairs. I got out of bed quitly and continued packing my stuff. Once I finished I waited until my dad got to bed. When I finally heard him going up the stairs again, it wasn't really hard to miss, I waited a little while longer and sneaked out of the house. Leaving a note on the table explaining why I was gone. Gone forever...

------------ The next morning------------

                          *Stoick pov*

I woke up with the thought that my boy becomes a viking today. Today he finally becomes one of us. I couldn't be prouder. I got out of bed and walked to his room. Opened the door I was stunned to find an empty room and an made bed. Even his desk was empty, which usually was full of drawings and plans for crazy inventions.

The first thing that came over me was that maybe I was still dreaming. But soon realized that wasn't the case. No my son would never clean up his room by his own free will. It could only mean one thing, my son had left me. And there wasn't anything I could do about it. Considering the stubborness of my boy, my Hiccup.. The only thing that I had from my wife. Now he was just like her gone, gone to the gods know where.

Still lost in thought I walked down the stairs. I was half way to the door to tell the villagers the news, when I saw a note on the kitchen table.

I rushed over and picked it up. It was more like a letter. Afraid of what I might find written inside the letter I opened it anyway.  There were just to many unanswered questions that needed to be  answered.

"Dear dad,

I'm leaving and I'm sorry. But I can't continue to live like this anymore. I can no longer pretend that I'm a fiercy Dragon Killer. Because I'm not, I'm not a dragon killing savage that runs around not thinking before they do but just do.

Do you remember the last dragon raid? Before you went of searching for the nest?  Than you remember that I told you that I shot down a nightfury. You'll probably won't believe me but it really is true. I shot him down. If you don't believe me there is a pitch black scale attached at the back of my letter.

When you were gone to find the dragons nest, again, I went out searching for the mighty offspring from lightning and death itself. Eventually I found him but couldn't bring up the courage to kill him. I wouldn't kill him because he looked as frightened as I was.

I know right? 300 years and I'm the first viking who wouldn't kill a dragon. And now comes the tricky part:

I'm the first to ride one though."

WHAT??? No, calm down Stoick, he's just playing with you. He can't ride a dragon aspecially not a night fury. Nobody ever lived to tell the tale that if they ever have come across one. Even if he did shot one down and found it, he surtenly would've been eaten by it. It's just not possibly.

"I know you don't believe me but it really is true. And it's why I can't stay on Berk any longer. I can't stay and watch how you all kill dragons. I just can't.

That's the reason why I'm gone, for good probably. But I don't think you would really notice. Maybe you won't even read this letter. Seen the fact Vikings aren't particularly known to be big readers. But if you do read this letter, again I'm sorry but this was just the only option for both of us to not have to suffer any longer.

                Goodbye, your son Hiccup"

I... I can't believe it! He really is gone. After studying the black scale that was attached at the letter I could not not believe Hiccup. Him, siding with the enemie, what is not a smart move to make. It marks him as a traitor and so he should endure any punishment given him by the chief.

Even though I didn't really act like his father the past few years I know I would never hurt my own boy. My only option is to keep this for myself.
But that still didn't change the fact that my son, my own flesh and blood is a traitor.

So?? What do you guys think? Please leave a comment!

And sorry about the late update but I have been busy with school. But it's almost christmas break so stay tuned!!

- HTTYD fangirlie

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