CHAPTER : no : 2 ( how we met )

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I'm really happy that after for a few days jungkook stopped having his nightmares and sleeps comfortably. I on the other hand is a little worried. It's been 4 weeks since jungkook is not getting big. Other then that eveything is alright. Our normal daily life. In this chapter i will tell you about me and my personal(i mean it's the readers life so they should kno that but im a stupid author so lets forget about that). I'm Park Y/n , the biggest successful ceo and have a smol family of my dad and brother Park jimin. My mom died shortly after giving birth to me because blood loss. My dad really loved mom so he never married another women. He also adviced us that the person that shakes your heart and gives weird bufferflies in your stomach while attracring you from his beauty is your loved one. Since that day i've been looking for someone that will shake my heart and give butterflies and blah balh blah. Not until one i was in a little space care facility when to meet my childhood Irene. She was one of the main doctors their while a receptionist was guiding me through the hallway to her office. I saw door of the hospital with a man sitting looking outside the window present in the room. I paused to look at what he is doing. He was just staring out doing nothing. His body shaking like a gummy candy which seemed that he was terrified of something. I don't the best way to describe the feeling but just looking at him like that made me wanna go to him and give him hugs and confront him to calm him down. I was staring at him for so long that i completely forgot about the receptionist who was guiding me before. She came near and called me but i didn't listened to her and just continued staring at the trembling man. Suddenly she snapped her fingers infront of me to bring me back to reality. She asked me 'Ma'm are you okay?'. I replied to her ' Yes i'm ok i just zoned out randomly. Please can you take me to her office?'. She nodded and continued walking. I lastly stared at the door and found a tag hanging saying 'Jeon Jungkook- Condition: Severe'. I was confused to the word severve but brushed it off and followed the receptionist. I reached her office and she knocked on the door. We heard a female voice uttering ' Come in!' . The receptionist opened the door and gestured me to go inside. I thanked her and went in. Irene looked up from her papers and saw my face she immediately lit up. I smiled and greeted her and she excitedly greeted me back and we both talked for quite a while.
MAJOR TIME SKIP:(the author is a lazy ass sorry)
I went home after a day meeting my friend. I was quiet amazed by her success. I am really proud. But the thing that is bothering me is the guy JEAON JUNGKOOK. I can't seem to get him out of my mind and it's really bothering me. I tried everything to get him off but nope. So i decided fhat i should sleep for and worry about it in the moring. I stuck with my plan amd slept the night while thinking about the trembling boy.
I woke up to the sunlight aiming directly in me eyes. I groaned and lazily got up and took a shower, did my routine and blah blah blah. I went downstairs to see my brother and father eating their breakfasts. I went to and smiled warmly while shouting slightly ' Goodmoring dad and oppa!'. They both got startled by my voice but my dad replied first ' goodmorning sweet pie'. Jimin who was not so happy about me startling him replied with ' Morning you loud ghost'. I looked at him in a 'wtf face' but simply ignored him. I had my breakfast with them and then bid them a bye and went to the facility again to meet irene, This time asking about that guy. I went, the receptionist from before greeted me and i walked to irene's office by myself because i know where it is now. I knocked and heard a ' Come in!' . I entered and was greeted by irene who was surprised to see me again but non the less greeted me. ' i thought we met yesterday. Did you really miss me that much huh?'. She smirked and i rolled my eyes. 'No you idiot. I came here to know about someone'. She furrowed her in confusion and asked ' Who?'. 'Jeon Jungkook' i simplyreplied not wantimg to make this conversation any longer. Her eyes widened a little as she asked again ' Why are you asking about him  Y/n?'. I was gonna answer her but she started smiling like an idiot suddenly while she happily syuealed ' Is he the one who is making Y/n heart shake and making butterflies in her stomach while attracting her with his beauty?'. 'I guess maybe? I haven't gotten a chance to see his face though but that's not the point. I wanted to ask you why he's always trembling and shaking in fear?'. Her smile replaced with a sad and pityful smile before replying ' You know i don't tell people about my patient's past but for you i will tell you. Jeon Jungkook, a patient here in our facility. He was actually diagnosed to little space beacause of his own parents. They were both very abusive and cruel towards him. They beat him almost everyday since the day he was born. His parents were basically monsters. He would go to school and see kids with their parents hugging them and kissing and buying them chocolates. He always wondered why his parents never loved him like them. One day he asked them as to why they don't love him. Hearing this they started screaming at him and beating him till he was barely breathing. He was lucky that their neighbour's were kind enough to call the police as they were hearing screaming sounds from they're house. Jungkook was rescued and his parents were arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment but later both were sentenced to death. But all this didn't help jungkook. He is still scared that they will come for him and this time take his life away. Everyone gives him love but its not enough. He's still empty from the inside with the lack of love'. After hearing about him and his life i can't control my tears that were falling non-stop. I felt soooo bad for him. How the people who made him could do this to him. I felt incredibaly bad and my insides were exploding with the anticipation of going to him and filling all his heart with love. Without thinking twice i replied to irene ' I'll do it. I'll give him love that he wants. I want to meet him irene'. Irene smiled warmly at me and replied back saying ' I know you'll give him love. I trust in you'. I smiled at her and wiped my tears while sniffing my nose. Irene stood up and i followed behind her.' Let's meet him shall we?'. I nodded while still following her. Soon we reached his door and i can still see him sitting their staring out the window trembling. That scene broke my heart. Irene opened the door slightly while signaling me to wait outside the door. I was confused but still followed where she was going with. Irene entered the door and i saw him jump up and turn his face to the door. That's when i saw him. I coudn't believe how handsome he was. He had those big brown eyes and a big nose. Rosey pink lips and ahhhhhhhhhh so much more. My heart was beating faster then it should as if it wanted to get out of me while my stomach was having butterflies in it. As soon as i realised all these things i was shocked but also happy. I could burst any moment because of my happiness. Then irene's voice from inside brought me back to life. 'Hello Jungkook i have surprise for you. Someone is here to meet you'. His face looked shocked but later turned pale and expressionless. He stayed there silent not saying a single word. Irene smiled and shouted ' You can come in now?'. I entered and was instantly met by the feeling of nervousness. Jungkook who had an emotionless face, seeing me changed it to a confused one. His rosy not too big but not too small lips parted slightly and honestly that was the best sight ever. I was literally melted on the inside. Like literally my brain,heart,lungs were floating with my blood. Ok im sorry for being sarcastic but thats just how i can describe that feeling. I have never had this much urge to just kiss someone soooooo badly. Jungkook stared at me for sometime and stared back at irene. Irene getting his question replied "she is here to um......ummm........u_ummmm.....-"." I am here to be your friend. Will you be my friend". His eyes lit up at the word friend. He looked at me with some hope and nodded vigirously. I silentky chuckled at his behaviour and went near. As more i got to him he kind of panicked. I stopped at an appropreate distance and stuck out my pinky finger. "Promise to be my best friend?". His panick self vanished as he stuck out his pinky finger and lached it with mine. "Plomise (promise)". He replied me with a very sweet,childish,bubbly voice. It was then and there i knew i was madly head over heels in love with him. Irene sneakily went near my ear and whispered "nice save back there babe. Also take care of him, hes very sensitive to emotion. I'll leave you homies alone now". As soon as she left jungkook was the one to start the conversation " wha_wh_ats youl name". "My name is Y/n and let me guess your name". I ofcourse know his name but you lets play a little shall we. I made the fake thinking pout while jungkook looked at me with pure curiosity. "Your name is banana". (Please ya nasties take this as a sweet thing please and get your out of the gutter). He giggled and shaked his head as a 'no'. I again faked the thinking pout ""let me think your name is apple 'no' pineapple 'no' mango 'no'peach. I fake groaned then made a -ahhhhh i got it face- " well why didn't you tell me earlier. Abbra kadabra your name is............ Jeon jungkook". " yessssssssss!!!!! You got ilt how did you do thayt.(that) I want to lealn(learn) magic towu(too)". I giggled and told him i will teach some day when he is his old self again. Jungkook pouted and the rest of the day we played and got along.
Since then days passed which became weeks. Weeks passed which became months and after 8 months jungkook shifted with me in my house to live with me. I confessed my feelings to him shortly after and he gladly accepted them. After that he was my best buddy,baby boy,lover,my sue chef,energizer,my sunshine(ain't hobi the sunshine. Lol im soory back to the story)and most important my life. He is my spoiled little baby. I give him everything in the world cuz he deserves all of it. My dad and brother supported me in my relationship. My dad didn't had any problem with my relationship with jungkook. My brother thought it was weird at first was not too happy but after spending some time with jungkook he was overwhelmed with jungkook's personality and accepted him too. He never likes to stay alone without me. He such a baby. So when i go to my office i bring him with as well. Jungkook doesnot like all the attention he gets from all employes and the first time i bought him infront of everyone. He literally started crying. Those stupid employes were glaring at him and scaring him. He is petrified to go and see the outside world. So for him i build a secret passage to which only me,him and my brother knows about. Which leads directecly to my office. He also has a seprate play room/bedroom in my office for whenever he gets tired or bored he can play and take his naps too. He is just a cutie that i can't resist. Lets start our normal life in the upcoming chapters.

Ohhhhhhkaaaaayyyyy!!!! My fingers hurts from writing this chapter. Sorry for the late update and just like all the other author i have some damn online classes to attend. Anyways lets not talk about them. Soooooo how is every one. Are taking safety precaution because you should or im whoop your ass. Just kidding but please wear a face mask, don't hug, kiss, shake hands, don't have 21+ stuff or ant thing that involves touching someone. I hope you are all doing perfectly well and are sinning more and more reading these 21+ ff's. But i mean hobi water is finshed namjeasus has blocked us from the chat already. Satan has added us into the bts ff group and what else. No joke tho take care of your self beacause your self isolation maybe can save thousand of lives. Have a great day.
From your unholy author,

little kookie (J.J.K x READER) COMPLETETED Where stories live. Discover now