The end

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She pulled the shirt over his head and he was quietly wearing everything. Since she had bought him out the bathroom,he was awfully quiet. He refused to look into her eyes. The aura around him seemed to change. Themother was about to say something but was cut off by her son." What the fuck do you want huh?". His words were engulfed with fire as he looked up at her. She was terrified of him. The same face she gave to him was now used against her. She backed away from him a little,giving him a chance to assert his dominance
over her." My little fell for you but i will not,never. I know this is one of your shitty tricks"." B-but Jungkook dear,we are not tricki-"." SHUT UP!!!". His yell echoed in the room making the old lady infront of him shiver in fear. She took a step back from him in fright." Oh now your scared huh? For yourself. You are such a terrible mother. You always think about yourself". She gulped down her tears and stared right into his dark eyes as he spit fire out his mouth. 'What happened to him?. He wasn't like
himself anymore' she thought. His words for her was to be expected. She just knew that he still hated her." Jungkook w-wear your clothes. Your d-dad an-"." Not a single fucking word more. He is not my 'dad'. He is a jerk and i don't associate with him. You and the wicked mess go die in hell"." Jungkook don't say that to your mom". Her tone now sounding a little serious. But Jungkook didn't care. He wanted to stand for himself for once. Hes done with people bossing him around like a slave. He wanted to take matters into his own hands. He inched closer to her and she inched further from him. He moved another inch and she inched more from him. His glare on her figure made her feel burns on her skin. His swifly capturing the vase kept on a near by table. He slammed it on her head but she doged it." Jungkook! N-noo!! S-stop it!!". He smirked at her and swiped the vase to hit her again. She doged it again. Seeing her dogging the vase two times, he went more closer to as she tried to run away from him. Right as she was going to twist the door knob, he pulled her from her hairs and slammed her head on to the door. She shrieked as she held his hand on her hairs. Turning her around
he then slammed the vase onto her head. Finally hitting her there. She collapsed immediately and fell down on the floor with a big thud. Jungkook smiled in triumphant and stared down at her bleeding figure.' I should've done this earlier' he thought. The door knob twisted catching Jungkook's attention." What was all that commoti- WHAT HAPPENED HERE???!!!". Jungkook gave a innocent smile as the old men knelt down infront of the old lady,shakingly. The young man took this as another opportunity and kicked his head too as the old man held his head and stabled himself from the attack. He looked up to not see his innocent son's face,but a demon grinning upon his victim. He tried to get up recieved another kick which knocked him down on the ground. He was still conscious but slightly injured. Jungkook took the opportunity and ran out the room and out the house to ran away from there. He couldn't stand anymore. Whenever he would see their faces,he was always gonna see his defeat. But this time he will have victory. This time he will finish this battle. Once and for all,as he was the cause so he will be the end. But he won't deal with it by himself. He needed his love with him to demolish his enemies infront of him. He ran out the house as he went down some stairs to find an exit. Sunglight passing through a door caught his eyes. He turned towards it and opened it with shaky hands. Luckily there were no keys needed to open the lock. He slammed the door open as he heard sounds coming from behind and went straight out. The bright sun hit his pale skin as and shone on it. The young man was over joyed by the beauty infront of him. But it won't last long cause as he heard his name being called from behind. He looked behind to see the man with an axe in his hands. He had a life to take care of than to just stand there like an idiot without a care. He ran away,far far away as he could

with his drained out body. He didn't knew any directions but mindlessly ran as to not get caught by his nightmares. His lungs were were burning from the lack of air inside them but didn't care. His eyes became glossy seeing a road with civilization. Jungkook forced his tired feet to move just a bit more before finally taking a rest. He looked behind him to see no one. He smiled as tears ran down his face for a thought to finally be free and to be happy again. As soon as he got to the road he looked for a passing by vehicle for help. He was very lucky that just in time, a truck came into his sight. He waved his hands in the air and screamed while letting his tears fall off his pale face. But luck never loved him. His extreme state of happiness let him slip into his little self again. The naive little Jungkook went infront of the upcoming truck not knowing much about traffic rules and.......

It took away all his daylights. The truck driver wasn't able to pull the breaks on time and caused the boy to be under it. Just when he had gotten his freedom, he lost it all away. His soul left his body shortly after the damage before any help could arrive. He lost the battle to which he thought he would defeat. He lost his prized possession.

Y/n, her love.

He erased himself from this world and what was left of him was just his memories.

This was his end.

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