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Y/n's pov
Its been three months since i've last seen him. My life is ruined from the day i entered the house to him being nowhere and dead bodies everywhere. I checked the security cameras to see those animals dragging him away. He was crying, he couldn't do anything. My poor baby, i'm so sorry.
If i wouldn't have left him alone he would've still have been with me,in my arms snuggling. I can't eat,sleep,drink,work or even process whats happening with me. My brother and father are here to support me but i can't find my peace. Just thinking about him being hurt just makes my heart feel a stab in it. Everyday my heart tells me that he is waiting for me but i can't reach him. He's so close but so far away from me.
We did everything to find him but finding no luck. I have been staring at the laptop where he was last recorded. Just seeing the tape and crying for countless hours, thats all what i do everyday now. Everybody cheers me but all fails. I can't hold myself anymore without him. I tried to be strong but i couldn't. He is my only weakness, but my biggest support. The light of dark days. I am so sorry i can't be your light Jungkook.
" I AM SO TERRIBLE!!" i screamed at the top of my lungs and throwing the laptop sitting in my lap, shattering it to million pieces,like my heart." I CANT BE ANYTHING WITHLUT YOU. I'M SORRY........PLEASE COMEBACK!!" I begged to no one and held my aching heart.
Just that time someone embraced me into a gentle comforting hug. That's dad."Shhhhhhh i know it's hard but please don't break yourself. Your a ver strong lady, like your mom. Don't let your weaknesses pour out so easily"." I can't. H-he was m-my everything. I c-cant. I CAN'T"." You can. Just think of this for saving Jungkook. Not for yourself but for him". He said as he pulled away from the hug and captured my hands in his. I weakly smiled as he made that very 'make me proud face'. He smiled too, showing his teeths which was a rare sight.
My dad as strict and tough he may be but from the inside he is a real softie. I always admired him for his characters. From my brother i came to know that dad was total softie infront of mom. Like a complete opposite from his personality. But after her death, he was his usual self to everyone. But he was a softie to us sometimes. Now i know how much it hurted dad to lose his love. I feel his pain too. His comforted me for a bit until i saw a shelf with our pictures on it. Our first date, first kiss, some random photos, his drawing he made when he was little everything on that shelf brought the stinging pain inside me again and i hugged my dad for a little comfort. I cried in his embrace for many moons until i can't form any tears. My dad rubbed my back to calm me down.
Where are you jungkookie...........I am no one without you. I said to myself as i looked infront of me, to see his favorite bunny plushie infront of me.

Jungkook's pov
They left. After everything how am i still alive? How? I am no vampire that is immortal but why can't i just die already.
Everyday of every passing week is hell to me. I haven't eaten for........ i don't know i lost count of the days. Only thing i get here is some water from the very crusty tap in the far corner of the room. Right now i just had 'learned some lessons' from my 'mom'.
Why do they hate me so much? What have i done to them? What have i ever did to them? These questions have always been in my mind for so many years. I just don't have the courage to ask them. My body was so weak in the past that i couldn't even speak back in the days before my rescue.
I am still suprised that i screamed so loud enough to let our neighbours know that something is wrong. Or else i wouldn't be alive to see the most beautiful person in my life ever again.
I wonder how is she? Does she even miss me? Does she still love me? Huh........What am i even thinking, your no use of anything jungkook. Your just a burden to everyone,everywhere. She deserves someone better than me.
Tears just rolled down my eyes as of being replaced by someone else. I can't do anything. I can't. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I deserve to die and that's it.
As i said that the door opens of the sound proof room opens and in welcomes himself my 'dad'. I was just laying on the cold concrete floor, after what my mom did to me.
" Look my little whore is already out. You aren't even finished yet". He slowly walked towards me and sat down near my broken body. He forcefully yanked my hairs to pull me up to face him." Today will be a real fun day, so don't you even dare die today. Tonight you will regret for the rest of your life. You will never have sex with that rich pussy".

(Ok i'm warning you all this is where it gets really disturbing and bad so please if you don't want to read this or are sensitive to topics such as rape, torture then please skip until you see this '👌' emoji. Thank you and you may continue if you desire.)

With that he took of his pants and ripped all my clothes. No this can't happen. No i don't want this.
I tried moving a bit but i can't. All my limbs are sore and broken. I can't stop him. No No No!! He went in between my legs. No!! I kept shaking my head as a 'no'. But he smirked at me.
He went into his desired position and i knew he was gonna do it. I lastly mouthed him a 'no' to some what make him stop but.........He went in. He kept going in and out and i lost hope for any help. He did it. Be kept going in and out to get his pleasure. I feel digusted. Some please kill me already. I just looked up at the ceiling and let him do his thing as i can't stop him. Tears were just unstopable at this point. I felt a sharp pain on my chest. It was a belt. I felt it again and again and again until i can't feel anything anymore. My brain was getting all the information but was not able to process it. I could hear his sounds getting louder and louder. He was enjoying it. Does he not realize that i am his son from which he is fulfilling his needy desire's from. He is such a monster. I was crying my heart out silently as he was practically ripping me from the inside. Finally it ended. He released his pressure inside of me and that's was it.

He pulled out of me panting and smirking, cuz he was enjoying this sight of me. I can feel his sperm in me and i hated it soo much. I feel so disgusted. Not because of him but because of me. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have been born. He stood up and pulled his pants on and buckled his belt again. He lastly looked at my state and went away saying" I'm happy for now. See you later whore". The moment he left i let my sobs break through. My eyes somewhat starting to feel heavy and the room around me was spinning in circles. My eyes felt like they had some kind of pressure placed on them, they can't open themselves up. My head was slowly starting to pound and my vision was only seemed to show a pitch black colour. I was only able to utter two word from my mouth..............

So how is everyone doin? I'm sorry i haven't been uploading for a while. My excuse is i got my new phone and  this account of mines is on my tablet that i had for over  4 years. This wattpad account won't open on my new phone instead it  made another new account on it and i need help. I even used the same email account on my new phone but it still made a new account. My tablet is really old and just bearly likes to function properly. It would be highly appreciated if ya'll can give some advice to me. Anyways here is part 8. Hope you like it.
From the disgraced child of jesus:
1511 words

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