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"Kookie~ Get up!"." No mommy! I want to stay like this for a bit longer". She sucked in a breathe and loudly let it out.  " You have been saying that for the last thirty minutes"." I really love this place. Pwease". He pulled out the most deadliest weapon of his, puppy eyes. She knew she can't get away with this weapon because it always melts her no matter what situation she is in. She shook her head left and right before looking up at his eyes which were hiding that deviousness behind them. She gave him a side smile while slowing her head movements, turning to face the front like before. Jungkook giggled in victory as he draped his arms around her in a side hug, engulfing her like before as they both stared out onto the grass under the bright sun." Y/n". The male looked up at her." Yes daddy?"." I love you my babygirl". The sudden confession brought a red tint on her cheeks as she shyly turned her head towards the male." Y/n-ie woves(loves) kookie too". He pulled out an adorable smile which produced sparks butterflies inside her. " Y/n, lets go somewhere"." W-where daddy?". He untangled his arms around her and stood up from the bench. She blankly stared at him as he offers his hand to her. Her hands slowly met his as in an instant, he gently pulled her up on her feet." Look up, the sky is so clear right babygirl?"." Yes daddy"." Its pretty also"." Vevy pwetty"." Well it was very pretty for me"." Why daddy? Do you hate thwis(this)". His response was stale as he remained silent and let go of her hands that was in his hold. Her mouth parted a bit and head tilted to the side for his unusual behaviour. He stepped forward while she remained firm on her spot. Something about him seemed off.
It wasn't the Jungkook she knew. It was awfully recognizable to know the behaviour change. Jungkook was never the person to hate nature. Infact he was a nature Geek himself. He loved to stay outdoors then indoors. Why was he suddenly hating the beautifully decorated sky above them? He continued his walk, still not looking behind him." W-wait!!". She called out to stop him but he didn't seem to stop. Heck he didn't seem to listen to her as he kept walking on his way." Daddy!! W-where are you gowin!!??". She shouted, running to catch up with him. When she did soon enough reached his pace, he neither looked at her nor anything. His eyes were fixed to the ground. His breathe was uneven, indicating he was...panting? Why? He wasn't even...running.
She tried to hold his shoulders to stop him in his tracks but he shrugged her hands away and kept walking. It was really starting to get on her as she was saddened because of his behaviour and second getting rejected this rudely by her love. What could she had done to make him this angry? Or was it even her fault in the first place which led to her getting the silent treatment? But she remained stead fast and kept following him and nudging him again and again to somehow grab his attention. But everytime, he would shrug it off like nothing. It pained her for being rejected like this multiple times. She was scared that he will leave him. Like everyone else did to her. She would have no one to fight with those monsters which kept her up all night. She wouldn't have anyone to be the knight with his shinning armour for her. She would have no one to play with her. She would have no one to cure her from her trauma. No one will give her warm hugs. No one will show her the true meaning of love. No one will tell her how much they cheerish her. No one will handle her fragile body this carefully as him. She tried to stop him but it all ended as he abruptly stopped held by catching her wrist tightly in his hands.
"Wanna know why i hate this sky so much". She gulped as fear began to take place inside her. Although he still didn't lifted his head up, she could still feel the anger radiating from his body. She remained scilenced as no words dared to come out her. His grip became a tad bit hard to which she let out a hiss but the fear of this aura change overpowered her thoughts then worry about her wrist. She kept quiet as she knows that one wrong words and she will make him more angry." On this same day, i died babygirl". He died. 'No he is standing infront of me' she thought." No daddy, your here, infront of me"." I'm dead my love. I'm a part of your brain now, i'm your memory, a corrupted memory". He lifted his head and smiled lightly." N-no n-n-oo, your lying, your alive, if-if this is a prank stop it. Y-Y/n-ie is scared. Ko-kookie Y/n-ie scawred". She came to him, running into his embrace, only to feel nothing but air. Her tears pooled out as she bobbed her head left to right to find him. She was sure he was pranking him, he was just pranking her like he always does by playing dead. She spotted a familiar silhouette, laid down on the ground a bit far from where she was standing. She dashed for him, not taking care of her surroundings. Only thing in her mind was Jungkook. She wanted him and him only now. Upon getting closer to him, she noticed a liquid. The liquid appeared thick and viscous having a very deep hue. It almost looked black as it piled up more and more around him. Her breathing became abnormal as she was thinking about her worst nightmare. She sat down near him and lightly shook his body. But he barely moved. Her lungs gave up on her upon his state. He wasn't moving nor breathing nor his heart was beating. Panick rushed inside her veins as her shaky hands tried to flip his body to face her. As soon as his body faced towards her, she let out the most painful scream after witnessing the sight of her love. His distorted face was drenched in blood. She hugged him not caring about the liquid which will stain her clothes. Y/n burried her face in his neck as she let out cries for her
The more tears she brought out the more pain increased in her. It seemed as if someone was pulling her every last nerve. She never wanted  him to leave, she never wanted him to let her go all alone in this cruel world. She wailed out more cries for her caretaker who seemed to lay lifeless in her embrace. She snuggled more into his body to find some sort of the familiar warmth, yet she found none." D-daddy o-o-open y-your b_beaufiful eyes. Y/n-ie w-wants t-to see them. Y-y/n-ie wants you to spweak. Pwease pwease, y/n promise's t-to be your g-good b-ba-baygirl. Pwease....". She sobbed hard between her sentences which caused her sentences to be not be so clear. That's when hands pulled her away from his body, forcing her to let go of the dead body." Y/n come out of your hallucinations!!"." Noo!! My Jungkook is dead!!No let g-go i wanna h-hold him close to me! I know h-he is faking it! I-it's a prank, i know". She was adamant that this was a prank but naive her will never know that this is all the truth.

Y/n was never the dominant neither a girl with a good family. She was a little who was tortured by her blood ones. Her father was a drug addict and never really cared about anyone. Due to his drug overdose, he died as her mother still was still impregnated by Y/n. She was brought into this world by her mother as she gave her life upon her life for her. Only one left from her family was her brother. Although he was nice to Y/n in the beginning years of her life, it all changed when he took his father's route. He would come home late and would spend all his money on heroine. He would do outrageous things to even get a gram of it in his very own hands. And one of those, was to sell her sister's body to strangers. She was going through all this mental pressure when she was just 15. The age where people find love, go to school, make friends, have memories, crush over popular boys were crushed up for her. She remained caged in the basement as a jailer as she became a prostitute, forcefully pleasuring people's needs. Everyday would be worse amd worse. It got to the point where tears just refused to pour out. And that's what heated things up more. Those following day, one of his brothers disgusting client ( who was a regular visit) complained that she didn't shed tears which he loved to see on her. Her own brother mercilessly tortured her that night because she didn't cried...

Not only that, he himself took advantage of her. That's when she became little. The horendous night traumatized her more then anything that her brain began to seep into becoming a child. Yet no one cared.

No one cared that whether they were using a 15 year old or a 5 year old for their pleasure. Until one day, the most average man came to her. He thought that the women he will be pleasured by was a fully skilled lady but what he saw, beyond shocked him. He saw a beautiful girl, with a chained hand to the wall, was playing with a teddy bear with one eye. The moment she noticed his presence, she freaked out and cornered herself, hugging the teddy bear close to her chest. Her eyes were immediately brimmed with tears which made him feel so sad for her. She had eyes which were filled with dark memories which showed just how truly she was in need of help. She was dressed in a slutterish outfit, which fully exposed her body even with the fabric on her. Not only he felt hideous of himself to come here and have advantage from her, he was furious as to who would do such a thing to such a baby. And that's how the man rescued her.

A man named Jeon Jungkook, became her one and only. He replaced all the bad days with good ones and brought back a smile which she forgot years ago. His fatherly loved turned into something more deep that got them in something much more meaningful rather then the caretaker and little one relationship. He was the first man who pleasured her with all her consent and was ever the one to make her feel good about such things. With him, her life became something she never imagined of. A beautiful life where their exsisted he treated her like his queen. All her nagging, tantrums, screaming, nightmares, fears, traumas, tears were all forgotten when she would hear him singing for her. He spolied her with love and affection like none other. Yet her perfect life ended for her on the day when she discovered about his death. He died in a car accident while coming from his office earlier the usual. He went away from her and left her alone.

From that day onwards, she began having his hallucination everyday and everywhere. She was admitted to a hospital but has not made any progress for over two years. At this point, the best way to calm her down was to give her sedatives. And that's what the doctor and nurses did. They injected it into her arm and within minutes she was instantly calm, sitting in the hospitals gardens for patients as her mind went blank from eveything.
"I feel so bad for this child. Poor her have to suffer from alot of things". A nurse standing behind her said.
"She suffered through so much and will continue with it for the rest of her life. Regret will eat her up and no one can stop her from feeling this way. It will never be her fault yet she will always make herself the guilty one. Her mind will keep developing new sequels to her life that never exsisted nor happened. She has created and told a life that never exsisted ". The doctor looked down upon her patient as she spoke those words with great feelings of sorrow.

Their was no little jungkook. No forced parents. No disappearance. No kidnapping. No torture. No escape. Y/n made it all up with her corrupted mind and pulled out things which her stressed up brain cooked for everyone to hear and to claim it real. But it was not.

This is the reality. This was her life. This is her life. This will be her life till the very end.

:The end:

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