2. Fallout

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Wait, what!? This prick, how does he have my number?

"How did you get my number?" you typed quickly and hit the send button. You stared at your phone impatiently, desperate to know the answer to your question. As you fidgeted in your bed, you grew more and more anxious with every minute that passed your eyes remaining completely fixed on your screen. Then finally, after ten long minutes of waiting, the notification that he was typing popped up.

Thank god! Took him long enough... your eyes widening as you anticipated his long awaited response.

[Johnny 3:42 AM]: Babe, it's almost 4 in the morning. Go to sleep.

You exhaled angrily as you read his reply, disappointed by what he said.

[You 3:43 AM]: Don't 'babe' me, tell me how you got my number

[Johnny 3:43 AM]: Well you see, your drunk buddy at the club was more than willing to give it to me when I asked her for it

You clenched your phone in your hand as you read his text; you were just about ready to throw it at the wall but you knew that wouldn't help the situation. It took you a hot second to finally calm yourself down, but once you did, you decided that it'd be best to just take a hot shower and go back to sleep. There wasn't really much else that you could do at the moment.

Trudging to your dresser, you grabbed a clean change of clothes before lazily making your way into the bathroom. Turning on the water, you quickly stripped down before stepping into the hot shower, the feeling of the warm water cascading over you making you feel just a little bit less stressed. As you proceeded to wash yourself, your mind played through all the unexpected things that happened that night, being forced to the club, getting ditched, some guy trying to hook up, and then texting you in the middle of the night? It really was ridiculous and unfortunately, it could've been avoided if your dumbass hadn't given in to that stupid, fake friend of yours. Of course, if you're going to a club, it's not unusual for a guy to come up to a girl and try to hit them up... it's kind of even inevitable, so you couldn't really stay mad at Johnny, he did nothing wrong.

But your friend on the other hand, was a whole 'nother story. You were pissed off at her and you had every right to be. Throughout the entirety of your friendship, she had always been untrustworthy, and she's backstabbed you more times than you could even count. How you put up with her for so long, or why you did? You really couldn't say, you honestly had no freakin' clue. But now you were done, you couldn't deal with that toxic friendship anymore. You had to draw the line at some point and you decided that day was today.

Girl... you're really gonna get it in the morning.

*     *     *

As the bright sun peeked through your curtains, you could feel its warm rays hitting your face. You squinted as you attempted to open your eyes, slowly rolling onto your side to see the time.

Damn... it's 12 already?

Checking your phone, you were relieved to see that Johnny hadn't sent you any other texts in the night; you already had one big problem to deal with and you really didn't want to have to deal with him on top of that.

Climbing out of bed, you dug through your dresser to find something decent to wear. You decided on just a t-shirt with some denim short, quickly throwing it on before walking into the bathroom to freshen up. Once you washed your face, you put on some light makeup and pulled your hair up into a loose ponytail, and with one last look in the mirror, you grabbed your purse and headed out.

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