6. I Love You

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"Happy Anniversary!"

You opened your front door to see a smiling Johnny holding a bouquet of red roses, a big heart shaped balloon, and a small box which you assumed was a cake or pie.

"Oh my god, Johnny! You're the best," you squealed, running out to hug him.

"No, you are," he replied, pecking the top of your head, "I want to hug you back but... it's kinda hard while holding all this stuff."

"Oh yeah, sorry. You can come inside," you smiled, motioning him in.

"Do you wanna see your cake?" he asked excitedly, as if he was looking forward to showing you his amazing accomplishment.

"Yes! I wanna see!"

As soon as you got to the kitchen, he set the box down on the counter and opened the top. The cake was small and round, beautifully decorated with red frosting roses and hearts with the words 'Happy Anniversary' written in the middle.

"Oh my god, I love it! What kind of cake is it?"

"Chocolate of course. I know you love your chocolate."

"I really do love me some chocolate... Let me go grab a knife so-"

"No, no, that won't be necessary. There's more to your present than just this. How about you go upstairs and pack some clothes... maybe one dress, and something comfy, maybe some lingerie-"


"Kidding! You don't have to... I mean it'd be nice but-"

"I'm going upstairs."

You rushed into your room and grabbed a duffel bag to put all your things into. You packed everything he said, a dress, comfy clothes, underwear, and some extra casual clothes. As you finished stuffing everything in your bag, out of the corner of your eye, you saw your lingerie in your underwear drawer. Your best friend had bought it for you when you were still dating your ex, but since he broke up with you, you haven't touched it. Every time you opened your drawer you saw it; it haunted you, reminding you of the times you tried to be intimate with him, but couldn't. So many times you told yourself to get rid of it, but for some reason you never did... something inside of you just didn't want to give it up. Maybe it was the idea of possibly being intimate with someone else later on down the road if you did somehow find a new lover... it could definitely be useful then. Now, you felt that time had come, that unknown day that you'd secretly hoped for but never thought would come, finally came; but at the same time, a part of you still regretted it, thinking maybe you had just given yourself false hope. Thoughts started to race through your head, the same question that you've been asking yourself for the past year repeating itself over and over in your head... What if it happens again?

Unknowingly, you ended up just staring at the lingerie in your drawer as you remembered everything that happened with your ex and worried about what would happen in the future with Johnny.

"Are... you okay?" Johnny's soft voice broke the silence, startling you and quickly snapping you back to reality.

"Oh, yeah! I was just um, finishing up with my packing..."

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