01. ━ Insufficient Crown.

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ACT i. Hardened Hearts.


EVERY BEING IS REVEALED TO THE WORLD without his or her will and in great suffering. Every human also has to undergo the process of dying against their will, a feat no one can cheat. What lies in between holds many sorrows. Better to have lived and died than become bitter by past regrets and ageing traumas. But many die trying to immortalise themselves, to become greater than the Gods they despise. And so from the bloodstained swords and war torn men a girl wrapped in silence and scars will emerge from the shadows with rebellion clinging to her skin. Hidden away from the strife, biding her time away in the shacks of a blacksmith, this girl will be protected from the powers that seek to destroy her. The blood that flows through her veins can immortalise her or destroy her but her fate will be determined by her own doings.

Alyssa Varens will now be rendered but a memory. She passes in the light of day before her sisters and a man who'll soon become a brother. They say she died of a broken heart, the remnants shattering after the immediate death of her daughter only moments after a harrowing childbirth which could quite easily have taken her life. It sounds so poetic, as the stories go. The bards look at the blood shed and see a tragedy but death is death. She went where no child should follow, into the realm of the Gods she'd once loved with all her being. And when once the only proof of her being was the steady thump of her heart and the life in her womb as she watched herself be erased from the pencil sketch there is now nothing. The only proof of her existence are the memories attached to her name. Her name will not be engraved into history as she hopes it would have, instead she will be remembered by the smallfolk for bringing shame on a great House. Alyssa is to become another sad story though her memory still lives on. But that's a sadder story. A statue will be built in her name though it will never capture the essence of her beauty or her soul.

Alyssa Varens' reputation has been dragged through the cold, damp earth and back. And for what? For the mother's love she bore? Tarnished has her name been, bringing shame upon such a respected family but death doesn't discriminate and so she will reunite with Maksim who was just a boy when the cold enveloped him, when the waves drowned him. She will reunite with her father who's story will remain a mystery for some generations till the truth is uncovered. She will reunite with Stefan who'll be murdered in what they call an accident but death is never an accident and that, too, is another tale in which there is more than the surface shows. She will not reunite with Elena and Tarik for long, but her mother is waiting to follow. She will smile down as she watches Elena grow up and old, baring a son of her own who is destined for his own greatness. She will smile down as she watches Tarik grow up and old, resembling their father in every single way but he promised himself long ago that he would be better than all those before him. And so he will be better than his father but his story is one just as tragic.

While Elena Varens drowns in her tears - clutching herself against Jaime Lannister - the maesters run with the child perceived to be dead. Barely making a sound the babe rests peacefully in their arms, her eyes the perfect replication of her mother's. They're as bad as the masters they work for, parting a child from a loving mother who'd died as a result of the heartbreak. A tragedy, truly. Another dead babe, perhaps given a painless sort of poison, will take the name of Raina Varens and be sent to Verona to rest beside her mother. This tale is one to be told again for Rosario Martell was never meant to survive, instead she will live as the lives of the small folk are once again disregarded and endangered for snobby nobles and their proxy power plays.

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