02. ━ A Queen's Curse.

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          HER FATHER'S STEELY, GREY EYES reveal nothing as they stare back at her, emotionless

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HER FATHER'S STEELY, GREY EYES reveal nothing as they stare back at her, emotionless. His hardened exterior has always bothered Lorena, not understanding how he can hide his feelings so easily. Stoic and stern, he has built a reputation for his lack of warmth, for his cold, Lord's voice. Lorena has learnt that war changes men immeasurably and she can only imagine the toll it took on her father after everything he had lost but he never speaks of it. A seasoned soldier, he doesn't relish in the bloodlust as Jaime Lannister does. He doesn't live off his days on the battlefield and his former glories as Robert Baratheon does. He's an enigma in his own right. Lorena had always been intrigued by her aunt Lyanna's story, questioning her father multiple times over the years but she'd always been met with a stony silence. Not only was the silence stony, his gaze that of the war torn man he is. She'd eventually learnt not to ask again.

Perhaps the wait is over.

Only moments prior, she and Sansa has been engaged in an argument. It had been all but a screaming match as they threw their sticks and stones at each other. It had started off as Lorena mentioned Stefan, stating that she missed him and she still does. Sansa had then compared him to Joffrey, speaking of how he paled in comparison due to his inferior status. It had taken all of Lorena's willpower to not scream at her there and then. Instead, she'd mentioned Sansa's former crush on the Lannister boy, perhaps man now, how her younger sister would get all lovesick around him as he barely acknowledged her. It was cruel of Lorena to do so but she couldn't help it, the look of hurt on Sansa's face felt like triumph in that moment. To retaliate, Sansa spoke of the wilting roses in Lorena chambers. How Arthur Varens had only given them out of pity. A sore spot indeed. Lorena wanted to hurt her as much as possible in that fraction of a second, she had told her that Joffrey wanted her a Queen due to how docile and dim witted Sansa is, how he'd never love her. She doesn't truly believe any of that, Sansa is one of the smartest people she knows but it meant nothing in that moment. Robb had split them apart, taking Sansa away as their father took her.

So here she is, in his solar.

Initially, he just stands there. Disappointment encasing him, brows furrowed and hands by his side. He's always so put together, perhaps that is his duty as Warden of the North but he's always been so stoic, so honourable. Silence stretches into infinity and it isn't comfortable, father and daughter stuck in an awkward place in time. Ned Stark doesn't yell, he's perfected the art of indifference over the years even if he isn't heartless but she's so used to his hard exterior it's hard to tell when his indifference is true. Nonetheless, he's the best father she could have asked for. Always pouring his wisdom into his children's ears, always there unlike some fathers she knows.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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