Chapter 1 ~ The Shift

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Gabriel's P.O.V.

"Look, Gabriel," reasoned Oliver's mom and my adoptive mother, "I get that you don't want to go to watch the Trials, but Alpha Nicholas said everyone has to go because his son is in them this year. He said anyone who doesn't go gets kicked out of the pack!"

"Fine! I hope Alex gets last place!" I blurted.

"Gabriel Cameron Thompson! You do not say that about your future Alpha!" she exclaimed. Then I heard her voice in my head, courtesy of pack mind linking, "You never know who could be listening. Suppose one of the guards heard you! You would become a rogue before you even have your first shift! Although I am proud of you for saying more than a two-word answer."

"Okay, fine, mom, let's go already then! I'll go get Oliver!" I thought back. I ran upstairs, almost running into Oliver's dad, who was on his way down. Opening the door to my best friend's room, I slipped inside.

"Hi, Gabe!" said Oliver, his eyes focusing on the puzzle on his desk. "Wanna help? I got all the edge pieces down already."

"The Trials are today. Tomorrow." I promised.

"Oh, right! I almost forgot!" he exclaimed, "We get to secretly cheer on Alex to fail!"

"Boys, come on! We don't have all day!" shouted Oliver's parents from outside.

We looked out the window to see both of them waiting for us outside. Oliver and I looked at each other, grinned, and opened the window, both of us stepping out onto the roof before jumping to the ground.

"Boys, you know we have stairs and a door for a reason, right?" said his dad.

"Nope!" we both replied before walking down the packed road to the stadium, parents trailing behind. We quickly went inside to score some good seats before all that was left was standing in the back, and luckily, we found four front-row seats. I looked at the stadium clock. It was 11:34 a.m.; 26 more minutes until the Trials started. Oliver and I sat next to each other while we waited for his parents to get there. While we waited, we started discussing what my wolf could be like when I finally shifted. And since the noise was so loud, we were linking each other.

"The color of his fur will probably match your hair," said Oliver. "I mean, I have blonde hair and so does my wolf, so since your hair is brown, your wolf probably will be too"

"Yeah, but Alex has dark brown hair but his wolf has grey fur."

"Gabe, I don't think assholes are included in this. All of them have hair and fur that don't match. All the actual nice people do have matching colors, though..." he mused while stroking an imaginary beard.

"Y'know, that's actually true," I linked to him. "I wonder if anyone else has found that out."

We stopped our conversation when his parents finally made their way in and were looking for us. We stood up and waved so they could see us, and when they saw us they waved back and started walking towards us. Once they sat down, I glanced up at the clock. 11:50. To pass time, Oliver and I started discussing who we thought was going to win.

"You know that kid who always wears a propeller hat? He actually has a good chance of getting in the top five," he said, looking at the chart on the projector screen of all the new wolves in brackets for sparring.

"Wait actually?! That kid is a stick!" I laughed.

"Yes, actually. Have you seen him at the track? That kid could outrun a cheetah any day of the week!" he exclaimed. We continued talking and laughing until we had gone over all the contestants, stopping when we heard Alpha Nicholas's voice over the loudspeaker.

"Ladies and gentlemen, wolves of the Crescent Pack! I welcome you to the 39th Annual Shifting Trials!" He announced, stepping onto the balcony that was overhanging the stadium. Everyone stood up and cheered, clapping, until he raised his hands for silence.

"Today is a very special day. This year, my very own son, Alexander, will be in the trials," he said as another cheer went around the stadium.

Through the mindlink, I said, "boooo!" to Oliver, and he burst out laughing, his mom quickly shushing him.

"Now I would like all newly shifted wolves to make their way down and stand in wolf form on the red line," he stated, pointing to the arena floor. And of course, Alex, who was standing with his dad, had to show off by shifting on the balcony and jumping over the railing onto the line, other wolves making their way down from the audience. Oliver and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. He must have somehow sensed my disgust through the pack link, however, because he linked me.

"Gabe, I suggest you never roll your eyes at your future Alpha again," he said venomously. "If you were in the Trials this year I'd make sure to be matched with you to teach you some respect."

When he said that, something inside me just snapped. I growled, causing Oliver to jump.

"Jeez, dude! Warn me next time you decide to act all creepy!"

All of a sudden I started feeling uncomfortable. I shifted around in my seat a couple of times, but nothing was helping. Then I started feeling shooting pain all over my body.

"Aw, shit," said Oliver, noticing the expression on my face, "Try to relax until this is over. We don't want you to have your first shift now of all times! The Trials start in three minutes!"

I did what he said and leaned back in my chair, only to bolt upright once again as pain rushed through my bones. I doubled over in pain, Oliver's mom telling me to just breathe. I heard the sound of bones snapping, my bones rearranging themselves. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the pain. When I finally opened them, I looked around to see everyone either watching me in shock or looking at one of the giant projector screens. Which, of course, showed me as the camera was pointed in my direction. I looked down at my feet - no, paws, embarrassed because of all the attention on me. I was shocked to see not dark brown fur, like Oliver predicted, but instead it was pitch-black. Then I heard a voice in my head.

Hello Gabriel.

Word Count: 1073

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