1989 Part 1~ Lauren Lopez x Fem reader

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I finally updated after 84 years!!

I'm doing something new!! This is going to be a five part series but with different Starkids. So it all takes place in Highschool and It's at the same party on the same date; 17th July 1989. 

Your pov

I took one last breath of fresh air before entering the house party. As soon as  I stepped inside, I got wrapped in the stench of cigarette smoke, alcohol and sweat ,and i felt sick. Why i had to go to this Birthday party, I'll never know. I didn't even know who the birthday boy was! I noticed that four of my friends (Who brought me here) had already split up and went to their respective buddies, boyfriends and obsessional crushes. This sets the other stories up...

Now alone, I scanned the room, desperately trying to find someone I knew to hang out with. I spotted my friend Brian Holden enter the living room and I quickly followed him. There on the couch was my best friends Meredith, Denise, Clark and Tiffany watching Ghostbusters on VHS. (Video Home Service. 80s version of DVDS). Clark noticed me first and called me over. Slowly I walked towards them, a smile forming on my face. "I thought you didn't go to parties, Y/n?" Denise asked, handing me a Pepsi.  "Not usually but my parents are out of town. Might as well take the opportunity cause this will probably never happen again." Denise smiled at me but she grinned even wider when she looked behind me. Curious, I peered behind me and my heartbeat immediately got quicker. There she was. Lauren. As soon as she looked at me, her cheeks flushed a violent red. I just waved to her warmly and walked over to her. I held her hand, rubbing it calmly. Lauren was my girlfriend of eight months but we had kept it a secret. I had hoped that she would have turned up so I could introduce her to my besties but now I was feeling incredibly nervous. It was now or never Y/n. "Umm guys. I have something to say. Uhh Lauren is my... my..." Just say it already. "Girlfriend." There we go. In those few seconds of silence, I looked at Lauren nervously. She kissed me gently on the cheek and that triggered my mind to think of all the reasons I loved her. 

Ever since I came out, my school social life had been a mix of homophobic slurs and discrimination. When I met Lauren, it started off as just a typical friend/crush but it soon blossomed into something more.  Highschool was rough enough without the bullying but Lauren made everything seem better. Even through the darkest moments, she was there, comforting me no matter what. She was as beautiful as her heart and I honestly don't know what I've done to deserve her. It didn't matter if it was making out in the toilets at recess or walking to a 7/11 to just get a slushie, Everything I did with her was special.

I looked at my friends faces as my heart beat quicker and quicker. What were they going to say? Denise was the first to breakout in a smile, quickly followed by Tiffany, Meredith, Brian and Clark. "Really? That's so cute!" Meredith exclaimed, a large grin on her face. "I'm so glad you're okay with it..." I said, squeezing Lauren's hand tightly. "Of... course we are! Why on earth... wouldn't we be?" Clark smiled sipping his Pepsi in between words.  Shyly, Lauren sat in a vacant spot on the couch and tapped the space next to her, indicating for me to sit there.

After we all got snuggled on the couch, Brian pulled out a VHS from his satchel. "Back to the future anyone?" He said as he struggled to put it into the video Player. Meredith took it straight off him and put it in first try. Smiling smugly, she kissed his cheek gently and sat back down, fiddling with the remote. Lauren pulled me into a warm hug and planted a tender kiss on my neck. "Love you Y/n" She murmured, looking at me with her large coffee brown eyes. "Love you too..." I said softly, running my hand through her long hair. It was all so peaceful until...

"LETS PLAY WHO AM I!!" Denise shouted, jumping off the couch swinging a bunch of post-it-notes around her wildly. All my friends suddenly sat on the floor in a sort of satanic ritual circle. (Satan is a real man of course) Lauren suddenly sat upright, as if an electrical current had just riveted through her. "Come on babe!" she said excitedly, grabbing my hand and yanked me on the floor to join the others. Everyone got a post-it-note and wrote a fictional character on it. I had Denise and scribbled down Cruella De Vil. It was also a nice little reference for Lauren since it was the first movie we had seen together as a couple. In unison we put the post it notes on our heads. Clark was Darth Vader, Meredith was Heather Chandler, Tiffany was Marty McFly, Brian was Roger Rabbit and Lauren was E.T, which I found hilarious. We all had our turn to guess until It was my go.

Okay am I a man?   yes

Am I a kid?  no

Am I American? no

Am I smart? Extremely

Am I British? yes...

Am I Sherlock Holmes? Yep!

I peeled the sticky piece of paper off my head and observed it. Lauren must have written that since she knew I was a huge fan of the books. Looking up at her grinning face it looks like that's the case. I pull her into a huge hug and wrap her in my jumper. She looks up at me so sweetly that I feel fuzzy inside. I like it. Our friends leave one by one until it's just us. Lauren sits up a bit and asks calmly "Hey since your parents are out of town... Do you want to crash on my couch? My Mom won't mind it-" I silenced her by kissing her lips softly. "I'd love that." I reply. We walk out of the party holding hands, happy to be together...

ITS FINISHED! I know this took ages but I hope I made it up to you with more historical research (aka just asking my parents) and some Lauren fluff. If you do like the idea of Starkids in the 1980s and you have a particular Starkid in mind, please pop it down below! I'll also try and update more regularly so yeah!

Keep safe guys!!

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