For Hannah Part 2~ Ethan Green x Fem reader

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Part 2 to one of my most popular stories!

Warning- Light gore, swear words and shock ending...

Last time...

Thank god she was still asleep. I heard shuffling behind me and saw y/n get up from the couch, put on her discarded blouse and enter the kitchen. I thought it would only be polite (something I wasn't usually) to join her. "Hey!" I said causing her to jump. "oh hi, sorry Ethan umm... just to say I've never done that before ok? so don't get any ideas." she spoke quickly, almost as if she was apologising. I cut her off by kissing her again. She looked at me smiling. "I've always loved you Ethan." "I love you too y/n" and we embraced. We were so wrapped up in each other, we didn't notice Hannah.

And we didn't notice she was singing...

Ethan's POV

"Ethan... I'm sorry...You lost..." I pulled away from Y/n, and faced Hannah. Her eyes were like a swirling mass of blue slime and her lips were stretched into an impossibly perfect smile. I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out. Y/n didn't even look, she just grabbed my hand and ran out the backdoor. Her breathing was rushed and panicked and her e/c eyes were wide in terror. We ran into the forest surrounding her home, a horror movie cliché but one that was the most logical. The road outside her bungalow was crammed full of singing zombies, harmonizing and walking surprisingly fast. We ran for about twenty minutes until we were out of breath. We hid behind a large log and covered our mouths to hush our frantic breathing. Suddenly, we heard loud panting and sobbing. We looked behind us to see a red headed woman crouching over a body. Around her was covered in a shiny blue substance. In her hand she carried a knife which was covered in that goop. I recognised her from somewhere but before I could pinpoint where, she turned around...

Becky Barnes?

Becky looked at us in shock. "Ethan?...Y/n?... what are you kids doing here?" Before I could answer, Y/n shouted "What have you done to your husband?" I looked down and there was the corpse, covered in sticky blue stuff. "Stanley chased me out the house singing...he was the one who had the knife..." Becky started to choke up and her words got shakier. I never knew exactly what went on within their marriage but I knew that something was wrong. Slowly I got up and wrapped her in a sympathetic hug, with Y/n following soon after.  We heard harmonizing getting closer and louder to us, so we quietly creeped behind a bush and hid. I held Y/n in my arms and kissed her forehead gently. 


Sighing with relief, I looked down at Y/n smiling. She smiled weakly back. I turned to look at Becky and screamed. Her eyes were empty holes of swirling blue and her thin lips were in a disturbing grin. In her back was a knife and holding it was her monster of a husband, Stanley. "Do you want to play with me?" She sweetly sang, reaching out her hands for us. I stood up, tightly held on to Y/n and ran further into the woods. Little did I know, the zombies were waiting for us. We were surrounded by them. There was no escape. Y/n stood beside me holding my hand, squeezing it gently. She was clearly terrified but was still putting on a brave face for me. God, I loved her. 

"What the fuck do you want with us?" I shouted, trying to act tough even though I really could scream like a little girl right now. Talking about little girls, Hannah walked up to us with a sad look in her eyes. "Guess we not going to California" She hummed to herself. "Since Lexi is dead and Ethan will be as well  She walked away singing, her head hung low and I almost saw some human emotion in her until she turned round and on her face was that creepily perfect smile. "Please banana, remember me? It's Y/n! You're best friend? You're better than this! Please fight through it! You can do it!" Y/n shouted through tears. Hannah said nothing, just raising a blade above her head. She turned round and said, completely monotone, "Bye Ethan". She then threw it and Y/n ran in front of me and caught it with her stomach. I sprinted towards the brave girl and pulled her into my arms. She staggered back and I had to sit down to make sure she didn't fall. "Y/n? Darlin?" No response. She was already dead. I felt my head get heavy, like something hard had fallen on it. The last thing I could hear were the lyrics...

Adolescence didn't make sense                                                                                                                                       A little loss of innocence                                                                                                                                                      The ugliness of being a fool                                                                                                                                               Ain't youth meant to be beautiful?

Damn, the alarm. I woke up and slammed my fist down on my bedside table to shut the music off. I ran my hand through my hair, trying to make sense of what fever of a dream I just I had. With it being so weird, could it be a sign of something? My thoughts got interrupted by Lex bursting in my room. "Wake up Sleeping Beauty!" She laughed. "Todays the fucking day!" I looked at her blankly. "Y/n..." was all I could murmur, not thinking about what I was saying. Luckily she just laughed it off. "You didn't seriously forget? Y/n is going out shopping with her Auntie Charlotte and so are we! Now I know, you have had to deal with Hannah banana for a few weeks now, but she isn't that bad..." 

"No no. I didn't mean that I- never mind" I got out of bed hastily and walked towards her. "Such a fucking dork. Love you." Lex smiled and kissed my cheek. "Now come on babe, gotta get to work early and make sure Hannah finishes her toast." Hannah was sitting at the shaky wooden table in the kitchen, stabbing the warm bread square with a knife coated in jam. "Bad blood. Cross. Black and White" She kept mumbling. Thank god she wasn't singing. I looked at her and felt so grateful that the evil version of her was just a nightmare. The only thing I missed was Y/n. "Right bye, babe! Bye banana! Wish me luck!" Lex grinned manically and slammed the door. "Bye" I cheerfully called. Then I remembered. Oh shit. It was THAT day... "Come on Hannah Banana, got to go soon!" I said quickly, grabbing my baseball cap and stuffing it in my pocket. "Where we going?" She asked curiously. I looked at the battered grey clouds outside the window. Not a good sign. "We're going to California for a better life, Hannah." I sighed. "I'm not an idiot Ethan. I know that. Where are we going now." I swear I saw a flash of green lightning in her eyes but I probably imagined it. "We're going to ToyZone to get a wiggly..."

Hopefully I didn't depress you guys too much with that... 

Anyways, keep the requests coming! Don't hesitate with anything! (obviously within reason duh...)

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