"LEAH! I'M NOT GOING TO RECORD WITH YOU!" I exclaim, throwing my hands up, like the ceiling can't hold me. "But Erin! Tom wants you to join the World of Mianite!" she exclaims, I roll my eyes, "I couldn't care less if Tom wants me to join, or not!" she snickered, "Even though your being shipped with him by a ton of people." I groan, "Do I look like I really care, Leah? How even would they find me, or even ship me with Tom if we've never done anything together?!" I say, putting emphasis on anything. She shrugs, "You've got to ask Twitter about that. They must stalk you or something." I sigh and plop down on the couch. "I hate you, if only you didn't have to try to set me up with Tom, I wouldn't be getting millions of followers every minute!" I exclaim, as my phone beeps, "Speak of the devil! There's five more!" she rolls her eyes, "You know, we actually did some good for you! We brought more attention to your games!" I groan, "Dude! My company was already mediocre!" she sighs, "Whatever. I don't really care if you join Mianite or not." I chuckle, "Why even would I want to join if you're the only other girl there?" Leah sighs, "Firstly, I'm not that bad, secondly, there is one other girl, Sonja, who worships Mianite." My eyes widen, "Someone other than you would be on the world." She nods, "Well, I think it's time to teach me how to play Minecraft!" Leah grins, "We need to get you an account!"
"Okay. Username?" She asks, "Like that's a question!" I say, as she types in 'ElectronErin'. "Password?" I chuckle, "I'm not telling you!" I say, as I type in a password. "Email?" I sigh, "ElectronErin@gmail.com" she types it in, and she's directed to a 'download now' link, she clicks it, and Minecraft starts to install.
After the installation, Leah teaches me the basics, and makes a hardcore world for me to try to use... I died within five minutes. Of course, I am a noob. I mean, I played the beta version, but that's about it. I sigh, delete the world, and create a hardcore world. Time for endless nights of no sleep...
yin yang // thesyndicateproject / tom cassel au
Fanfiction"Leah, you can't force me to like someone I don't even kno-" "Bet." In which her best friend attempts to force together two polar opposites.