Hermione POV

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A/N: I'm back! Sorry I took so long...whoops...It won't happen again! (Probably.)


The first thing I notice are his eyes, a pale blue that glows in the darkness of the shadow he hides in. Our eyes meet, but neither of us says a word. I don't know what to feel, if I should be scared, or nervous, or...

Suddenly, he moves, and before I know it, a silver coin is pressed into my hand.

"I was never here" he says, and with that, he is gone.

"What just happened?" Carolyn asks, walking over.

"I don't know..." I reply.

Out of nowhere, another elf appears. He looks like the one that just ran off, except for the fact that his hair was a vibrant shade of green.

"Did anyone pass by here?" He asks, his eyes glowing with a mix of fury and annoyance.

"And would we tell you if they did?" Carolyn asks, walking over.

"If you knew what was best for you, then yes" the elf answers.

Carolyn laughs. "How would we know what was best for us? We're just the newcomers, am I correct?"

Not now, Carolyn... I silently plead. Carolyn has a way of stretching people's patience to the limit. I certainly did NOT want to end up making enemies here.

The elf starts to say something, but Carolyn cuts him off.

"Avacalen" she says.

"What?" I ask, not quite sure if I heard her correctly.

"Avacalen." She repeats. "It's an herb that is an unusual shade of green. When crushed and mixed with a bit of water, the stains it leaves behind can take more than a week to come out."

"How-" I manage to get out before she cuts me off as well.

"It was in the herb book I read" she says.

The elf sighs. "Unfortunately, you are correct."

Unfortunately? I think, before I realize-Carolyn said that it takes over a week to wash out. I try-and fail-to keep from snickering. Well, at least I will be able to tell him apart from the other elves...And find him quite easily, for that matter.

He glares at me, looking almost exactly like Carolyn when she's mad. We've come to call it The Look of Death and Ultimate Destruction, a surprisingly accurate name.

And before I can say anything else, he's gone as quickly and silently as the other elf. Only then do I realize that I never even got his name...

"Shall we get back to the drawing?" I ask, and she nods. Soon, waterfalls are appearing on the paper, as well as a single bird in the sky. I can't wait until the night falls, so I can draw the stars. I'm glad that I have already drawn Carolyn, for she'll probably be working on her constellation chart.

But as I draw, my mind drifts to the green-haired elf. I can't seen to get him out of my mind...

Unknown POV

So, I'm known as the Stalker-bird now. Interesting.

I must say, the young one certainly is curious. A lot of questions run through her mind. I feel myself wanting to give her answers, but I know that I can't interfere with anything. I must leave her destiny untouched.

Well, mostly untouched.

Time to have a bit of fun.

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