When you first meet

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You were riding in a carriage with Elizabeth, or Lizzy as she preferred to be called. She had wanted to introduce you to her fiance and has thus been talking about him and everything he does which she proclaims as cute. "Oh (N/n) I know you'll just love him he enjoys chess, plays it well to! You simply must play against him oh please (N/n)!" She pleaded to you. Not quite sure how else to respond you nodded saying "I will if he's up for it I suppose. It's been a while since I've had d good chess partner." She squealed happily all but leaping out and dragging you behind her when the carriage stopped. We were greeted by a handsome butler with strange red eyes. "Welcome back Lady Elizabeth, I see you brought a friend. Is this by any chance Lady (Y/n) that you have been telling us about." He questioned. Elizabeth nodded in response "Sebastian where is Ciel they simply have to meet" She exclaimed running in past Sebastian. Gesturing for you to follow her Sebastian closed the door. Upon getting a better look of whats inside of the manor you caught a glimpse of Elizabeth latched onto a boy. Flashing him a sympathetic look as he managed to pry her off before walking over to you. Holding out his hand for you to shake he introduced himself. "Hello I'm Ciel Phantomive" You smiled lightly before shaking his hand "I'm (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)".
You were and old friend of MeyRins, So naturals you were hunted down after her offered a job at the Phantomhive mansion. You were crouching perched upon a railing hidden among the shadows daggers held loosely in your hands. Your (H/l) (H/c) pulled back from your face. Your target slowly drifted away from the crowd you were about to follow him only to be stopped by a hand on your wrist. Turning you saw a man with raven hair and crimson eyes . "'I Wouldn't do that quiet yet (Y/n)." He said. "Why shouldn't I" You spat back glaring at the man. " Think about it this way, no more bounty hunters after you and a place to live " He says as if trying to persuade you. Turning to face him you asked, "what's the catch.". He smirked "There is no catch other than your help to protect the manor of course. I believe me have a deal?" You snorted "Perhaps" you laughed before dashing off slipping through the open window.
Your parents had asked you to attend to a ball at the Trancy manor, wait no scratch that they had forced you to attend the Trancy ball. You didn't really know anyone there except Elizabeth Middleford, A girl you had met during previous balls and such, you didn't really like her with her overly happy attitude and all but hey it was somebody. That didn't mean you intended to go over and talk to her, you were just relieved to know someone here. You were drawn away from your thoughts when someone tapped you on your shoulder. A blonde boy with cerulean eyes a smile plastered on his face was behind you. " I was wondering if you wanted to dance with me?" He says offering you his hand. "I'm Alois Trancy". You thought for a moment before going for, I mean why not there wasn't much else to do . "It's nice to meet Alois, I'm (y/n) (L/n)".
You worked as a maid in a rich manor which was a strong business partner with the Trancy's. You had been dusting the library when a friend of yours another maid name (F/n) burst in."(Y/n), you have been requested in our masters office immediately!" She exclaimed breathless. "Alright (F/n) please don't push yourself, you've only just recovered from being sick" You advised softly setting down the duster and brushing off your skirt before heading towards you masters office. Lightly knocking on the door you heard a muffled "Come in" before opening the door to reveal your master sitting across a blonde haired boy. A tall butler with honey colored eyes stood behind him. "(Y/n) I want you to show Alois and his butler their rooms for their stay here" He commanded. You nodded before leading them down the hallways to the guest bedrooms. After showing Alois his room you escorted Claude to the servant rooms. "This is the only open room we have i'm sorry if it doesn't suit your needs" You murmured apologetically. He smiled charmingly at you "It's fine thank you (Y/n)" he says before walking into the room and shutting the door
William had requested for you to meet in his office, apparently you had to over see novice's missions out seeing as he wasnt an experienced reaper yet. Jogging up the stairs you opened his office door. "You called Will?" You asked. He nodded gesturing to a red haired man standing in front of his desk. "Is this the Novice reaper you had asked me to escort on his collections?" you asked again staring at the flamboyant man. "Novice! who are you calling a novice! I am Grell Sutcliff the most attractive reaper you will ever meet!" He yelled twirling around arms thrown up over his head. You sweat dropped glancing over at Will and eyebrow raised questioningly. Seeming irritated he just shook his head while you just stood there completely confused.
Your younger brother had decided to get involved with the drugs industry, You being the faithful sister you were had decided to protect him with your knowledge of martial arts. (A/n Go reader-Chan!) You vary rarely left his side especially during his meetings. You always remained stationary at his side clad in dark red dress. Most of his buyers had asked how much you were or if you were available to buy. They would all get cold glares, or a raised price on the drugs. Today's buyer was different. A Japanese man with a woman clinging to his side came in sitting down on the velvet couch across from where you two sat. (B/n) seemed to smile when he saw the pair. "Welcome back Lau and Ran Mao. What brings you here this time?" He asked setting down relaxing on the couch arm still slung over your shoulders where you sat next to him. You spared a glance at him with a raised brow. Lau chuckled "Just information about a new drug that has a rather high demand as of late." Noticing you he tilted his head "So this is the famous (Y/n) she lives up to the rumors, quite the beauty indeed." He laughed smirking. Ran-Mao seemed to roll her eyes at his comment flashing you a sympathetic look, you smiled slightly at this before nodding you head lightly in her direction. It seems like you just made a new friend.
You had been asked by your superior to ask a man called the Undertake a few questions about a recent murder. It wasn't big enough for the queen to send her precious Guard dog, or her Spider so it was left in the hands of the local police. You opened the door to see a silver haired man clad in black bent over a coffin. "Excuse me sir, I have a few questions to ask you" You called clearing your throat to get his attention. He grinned "Ah yes ask away my dear, normally I would ask for something in return but it's not everyday I get to see a nice lady such as your self" He laughed grinning. You blushed slightly at his comment before asking your questions.
"(Y/n), The queen has requested your presence." A voice informed you. Standing up you nodded walking to the queens chambers. You were her personal maid although you had heard of her loyal helper Ash you hadn't formally met him due to the fact he was always out doing business for the queen. while you were busy working around the castle or tending to her majesties needs such as washing her clothing making her bed or cleaning her room. On your way in you accidentally bumped into someone. You looked up to see a white haired man in a perfectly straightened white butlers uniform, his violet eyes seemed to stare right through you. Gasping you stood up apologizing "I'm sorry I didn't see you coming out I should have knocked and-" He cut you off with a charming smile "Don't worry about it, It wasn't your fault it was an accident." He says. "I'm Ash, Ash Landers I don't believe we have met yet". I nodded "I'm (Y/n) her majesties maid. She requested for me to report to her immediately" you explained. He nodded "Well it was nice to meet you (Y/n), i'm afraid I must be going now"
The village you knew and loved was caught in flames, a friend you had made Luka was dragging you out of the town and into the forest. "Don't worry (N/n) I promise it's going to be okay. I saved you after all! You were nice to my brother and I"he laughed smiling.You sniffed once wiping your eyes as he took you to a clearing. He watched the glowing embers like a kid eyeing a candy shop. You stared out at the village still crying. A woman clad in very revealing clothing with long silver purple hair appeared in the clearing."Your back!" Luka laughed running up to the woman. The woman however stared down at him coldly before turning her gaze to you. "Thank you for helping me!" Luka exclaimed still smiling ear to ear. She looked down at him surprised for a moment smiling lightly. She knelt down placing her lips on his forehead softly before Luka fell to the ground limp. Letting out a petrified whimper which drew her attention to you. Walking over to you sitting down besides you pulling you onto her lap holding you close to her chest. "It's alright little one" She murmured softly. You sniffed before looking back up at her. "Who are you" you asked, She smiled "You may call me Hannah little one. Whats your name?" "It's (Y/n)" you whispered. "Well (Y/n) I promise i'll look over you alright?". Looking up at her you nodded before settling down on her lap.
You were a good friend of Hannah's, she had always insisted she go to your realm whenever you wanted to hang out with her. You had always agreed until one day three man showed up in your realm along with her. Now since you were in fact a very powerful demon and you were not overjoyed at the prospect of trespassers or newcomers. Sparing Hannah a questioning glance she shook her head "They insisted on coming with me this time" She explained. You narrowed your (E/c) orbs at the trio "Who are they?" you asked your forked tail flicking irritably.
Not bad at all. they mused silently staring at your figured which was clad in a tight topped dress with layers of silk dropping down stopping at about mid thigh. Black leggings clung to your legs as you stood bare foot. Horns curved from the top of your head. AS if sensing their pervy thought Hannah had smacked them all on the back of the heads. "These three are Canterbury Timber and Thompson."

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