in Love with a Vampire

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remmington Leith imagine:

in love with a Vampire

in love with a Vampire

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I didnt know it until now, but i am a Vampire. I didnt want to tell y/n bcause then they will be so scared of me and leave me. so I didnt. Instead, I told y/n to cmoe over to my house at night time because at day time of course i cant and I said no garlic.

your POV

I was so surprised Rem told me I can come. He was so hot and sexy and I really wanted to marry and kiss his *you know what*. So at night, I told him that he was so cute and he said thanks but I need to tell you a secret I said what was it? He said that he was differrent than me and others. I said that of course he was he was a hot man and he was HANDSOME unlike my dad. Then he said "no i dont mean like that I mean I am not a human"

I said "omg are you a ghost" he said "no im a vampire"

I SCREAMED! rem started crying, and I said "no Im not scared I am happy I always loved vampires and I kissed his hand.

the end.


Ok so Im almost done publishing all my imagines from the old book hope you like them!

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